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Posts posted by Eric SCHELL

  1. Hello everybody,

    I wanted to thank you all very warmly to have contributed to my research to find this former member. This was the right e-mail (KevinChristensen54@verizon.net) Kevin Christensen answered. He told me today and good news, his dad is still alive.

    I dont know how to thank you.

    If someone is interrested by the (thanks) Battle of Hatten-Rittershoffen (January 1945) I can try to give you relevant information.

    A big thank you to all.

    Best regards,

    Eric SCHELL

  2. from http://www.sunstonemagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/sbi/articles/132%2002-09.pdf

    it says

    'KEVIN CHRISTENSEN, B.A., English, is a technical writer living in Lawrence,

    Kansas. He has published several articles, including the recent, “The Temple, the

    Monarchy, and Wisdom: Lehi’s World and the Scholarship of Margaret Barker,” in

    Glimpses of Lehi’s Jerusalem. His email is kskchris@sunflower.com.'

    The document is dated May 2004.

    The pdf has some details on 'Sunstone', which may have something to do with sunflower.com and might be traceable via that organisation.


    I tryed this e-mail but he doesn't work. He's not valid...


  3. Thank you very much for your answer.

    I may be wrong. I thought it was the dentist in Wichita, KS.

    But i got no response at this day from him.

    I'll look on the side of Pittsburgh... May be.... !

    If somebody have some news, thank you for keeping me informed.

    Best regards !


  4. Hello everybody,

    I'm new on this forum. At 01/18/2000, the member Kevin CHRISTENSEN wrote an thread about Hatten-Rittershoffen (WWII).

    I'm living in France, Alsace near Hatten-Rittershoffen. My mother was born in Hatten in 1934 and was living in this town in january 1944 as the opération "NORDWIND" begins.

    I would like to bring more information to this member (His father was soldier and was in this town) but his e-mail does'nt be activate.

    Does somebody know if Kevin Christensen (Lawrence, KS) can be joined on this forum ? Or what he has become ?

    Sorry for my english... I hope you'll understand me...

    Thank you for all answer you can give me.


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