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Posts posted by theoboy3000

  1. Firstly a little bit about myself, Im in the British Army and have been on two tours of Helmand Province, Afghanistan. I have played CM on and off since BO. I enjoy many of the excellent mods for Shock force and its addons and I applaud the time and effort gone into making these. I assume there are other serving personel in this forum so ide appreciate their views on this...

    I have began work on a few small mods of my own to improve the British forces and mainly change their appearance to represent the current conflict in Afghanistan (Specifically Helmand Province) and also a fictional conflict in 'Syrope'.

    The main product of my efforts so far is two variations of body armour and various helmet designs.

    The first body armour is the OSPREY ASSAULT which was introduced late 2009 and whilst it is still in service, is being phased out with the indroduction of the MTP camoflauged uniform.

    The Second Body armour is OSPREY MK.IV. To look at, this is just osprey assault but with the MTP camoflaug. This was introduced a few months into 2010 and to my knowledge is still the issued armour.



    Both these forms of body armour come issued with a number of pouches that can be attached to it however the Brit soldier model only has two. Is it possible to change this and add more pouches? And what about a daysack? (backpack)

    The next project of mine is helmets. Very few soldiers would deploy with the issued helmet cover in its full form. Many soldiers will cut off the elastic straps which are used to add foliage to the helmet, and it is also common for 'Scrim' to be added. So fair I have added a few variations of helmets taken from my own pictures.





    Two of the helmets have already been uploaded however they are a WIP and are already out of date, any feedback is welcome and if anyone has any questions feel free to ask.

  2. A lot of civilians that I've told this to (I'm a civilian too) wonder how it could take so many bullets to kill a guy, but what they don't realize is that not all of it is actually aimed at an identified target with a clear line of sight. ;)

    Exactly right and i find i get the same reaction when i say how many rounds i have fired, too much COD to appreciate suppressing fire...

  3. Whats more amazing is how the Taliban sustain those losses just from the one battlegroup in 6 months and they still have fighting power left in them...

    "They come like wolves in the night, they do not eat, they do not sleep. They are war machines" - A Taliban commanders message intercepted on ICOM in reference to 1st Batalion during that tour...

  4. Thats my battalion, 1st Bn , Royal Anglian Regiment and it is in reference to OP Herrick 6.

    The reason for the hand grenades is that when we cleared TB held compounds 'red' you would grenade every room. And when you supress an enemy to then close in and destroy, it takes a lot of rounds as you can appreciate im sure.

    Hope that helps.

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