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Surrender Monkey

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Posts posted by Surrender Monkey

  1. Steiners approach is very similar to the one i suggested, alas WEGO players seem to be a small minority here.

    Anyways, I will ofcourse try the CMBN demo when it's ready - and for WEGO support , I've found "Panzer Command: Ostfront" , the previous incarnation "Kharkov" was ok, but not up to the CMBB standard, but they're constantly devoloping the WEGO system, not abandoning it.

  2. Hard drives are not the problem, it's the sending back and forth of the files which is a problem. You would need a really good connection to be able to send 10+Mb per minute.

    I think perhaps you might miss the point , all relevant information is processed/collected sent and recieved anyway , regardless of playing by PBEM, TCP/IP, LAN or even hotseat - the data is there (being transferred between the players).

    My point was to the assemble the datafiles after the game was finished - .

    I do recall a utility for the first, CM: CMBO that did just that.

    Or even simpler - sequencial and displaying reading of the already collected data . not much differenct from a Dvd playing the chapters in sequence.

  3. well, unfortuantely the files are not "that" small. a good sized battle got about 10 to 30 MB files to transfer every minute. so as example you have 100 turn battle and 20 mb per file, are 2000mb combined. thats quiet a bit unfortuantely.

    and files can go up to 50 or 60 megabytes for large battles, per minute.

    I have yet to see a PBEM over 5mb.. (Speaking 5000p infantry battle in CMBB)

    Still even in the case of 50 megabytes would be handable

  4. I think it's more or less a dead cert that the menu system will be more 'cmsf' like than cmx1. It's a logical step in my opinion. Although some of the commands will have to be implemented more WWII than modern day, the cmsf menu system does work very well for me. I admit it did take a while to adjust, but I'm glad I have spent the time on it, as my integration with Normandy should be a very smooth affair. My mate couldn't get on with SF at all, and he didn't like the menu system either, but now he's cursing because he wants to get into the new game but doesn't want the associated learning curve that comes with it. So it will be interesting to see how he adopts to it. I'm buying it for him regardless, so he can't moan.

    I will re-install CMSF

    and for one reason only;

    to get used to the menu system in time for the release of CM:BN.


  5. Well it all depends on what someone means by:

    "a way to review the whole game would have been really great!" doesn't it.

    The current AAR screen gives you a review of the whole game.

    Others in the past have wanted the ability to record the entire (say 4 hour game) and be able to jump from unit to unit and review how it went (like the replay in WEGO).

    So you end up with the requirement to provide 4hours of video from the perspective of say 40 units with 360 views and the various views avialable (1,2,3,4, ...). That rapidly runs to a lot of data.

    No you are wrong.

    The review is exactly like wego - only bigger..

    The same reason a pbem takes about 10k-1mb in size is why 30 turns would take 30x more size. For example 30 mb.

    In each 1 minute pbem you can view the map from every angle and from every unit. (and that is in a sub 1mb file).

    a full game (30turns) would consist of the data amounting to 30 pbems...


    try it yourself... fire up a "play by email" game and not the size of the files (Increasing with the size of the battle , and action happening).

    (If my mind does not fail me there was a fan-made tool that made it possible to do this for the original CMBO)

  6. Well then I trust you can use the search feature and look for I think at last count 5 or 6 threads on this exact same subject that have come up in what 3 days.

    Listen, the forum will NOT overload regardless of how many times a question will be asked.

    Frankly , I am dissapointed by your attitude here - you are supposed to represent this exciting new development of a beloved Game.

    With that comes responsibility to treat potential customers with all due respect (even if it means that you've to bit off your own tounge once in a while)..


    the above is normal business practice :(

    (and probably very important for Battlefront.com)

  7. How many more times do we have to tell people.

    (waits 15mins for the next "will there be flamethrowers / fire in CMB:BN" post). :)


    Don't be like that - there are actually loads and loads of former CM1x player who are celebrating and , like myself, just returning to Battlefront.com to see what's up.

    We are excited and need not to be treated like imbecilles :(

    You should instead happily embrace the onslaught of questions CM:BN has awoken.

  8. Yes but as I understand it unless you have either:

    1. Several TB's to store the AAR file or

    2. Happy to wait several hours for your machine to render a smaller version (i.e. remove a lot of the calculations, etc.).

    You will be waiting a very long time to see this feature in CMx2 or CMx3

    I would only need to be rendered if the aim was to export it as video file, my suggestion would instead be to use a 3d-player... it would amount to seamlessly play each 1min turn after eachother.

    Like instead of opening up every single pbem to view the turns - instead to have them to play in a batch. A game of 30 turns would hardly be more than a 30mb file (judging from the individual pbem size).

    Afterall the "movie" is already there - it's just that it's been split up into 30 pieces.

  9. Perhaps not the right thread (and possibly a topic regarding later incarnations of CM:BN).

    An interesting take on statistics would be a detailed afterbattle screen(s).

    Possible info on units.

    * K/D ratio.

    * Units killed

    * Unit killed by

    * Distance travelled

    The info could be useful for refining strategies , or just as a great feature for us who like statistics.

    ** a more unrealistic wish (?) could be to be able to review the whole game , played out using the GFX engine (possibly even exporting it in suitable format)

    or even reviewing the battle using a static overhad map just using animated icons and arrows to show movement.

    (ok I got carried away , but I am so excited right about a new ww2 CM right now :) - and I am not alone : http://www.armchairgeneral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=102446 )

  10. Hi there!

    3.> Order menus. Will these look/work like the ones in CM:SF or the old games? Cos the order system was imo MUCH better in the old ones. Actually one of the biggest letdowns in shockforce.

    Incredibly important point.

    This has been consistently pointed out as a big mistake by disgruntled fans of the original series (and how we have longed for another game to reach the heights of the original masterpiece).

  11. I'd be thrilled to fork out my hard-earned money for a new Combat Mission game.

    As an avid CMBO,CMBB and CMAK fan , who lost my faith when CMSF arrived (yet have continued to play the original series) - I'd be happy to pay full price even if it was CMBB with a revamped gfx-engine.

    I am eagerly awaiting the demo - and expect myself to pre-order one (or even several copies).

    My only fear however, is that CM:BN will put aside the trusted command menu of CMBB in favour of the one in seen in CMSF.

    Afterall, the news of a new ww2 era Combat Mission has reignited my interest :)

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