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Posts posted by Alzoras

  1. Ok, so I'm sorta new here, came across what seemed to be an excellent game online reading through AAR. Poking around, I discovered I actually had a copy (lost to the great depths that is my games shelf). So I install it, give it a whizz, naturally doesn't work on win7.

    So I log on here, take a poke, and notice the company wants a fee for their compatibility patch. Now I know I know, you guys got some other guy to do it, and he charged you, and the software business is hard, yaddda yadda ydaa.

    Personally I think it's the DUTY of a software developer to continue to support their product for FREE until they discontinue it. You guys still sell Afrika Korps on your store, so in my eyes you should still support it.

    I know there are plenty of companies that don't. There are also gaming developers releasing games with such stupidity as 'Constant Internet Connection Required To Play" and suchness, far worse than charging for a patch. My point isn't tit-for-tat. My point is be the best, friendliest company you can be and in the gaming world people will always come crawling back for more.


    My major question, shortfrom my customer service complaint, is this.

    Wouldn't an XP/98/95 EMULATOR or a Virtual PC, work just as well for 1.03?

    I mean, on a modern gaming rig running win xp in the background won't take up a lot of resources? If anyone's tried it, let me know...

    I'm off to find an emulator...

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