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Posts posted by jeffcansell

  1. The Close Combat series used to have Waffen SS units during German campaigns, if I remember correctly.

    The one that took place in Normandy/Utah Beach had the 17th SS Götz von Berlichingen Div. involved.

    Let's not get hung up on the SS, the actions of elements from 21st Panzer during the early stages of Operation Goodwood are well documented and would be fascinating to play.

  2. The more that I think about the lack of a german campaign then the stranger it becomes - we all know that SS = $$ so a battle that features them but where you can't actually play them is a weird choice.

    There again you could say the same about the original game - it features a battle that took place just a few miles down the road from the more famous one that the SS fought (although you do get the 'toys' - Tigers/Panthers - to play with in that).

    From a sales perspective it's an odd decision.

    From my point of view, both of the operations featured in Caen offer big challenges for the defender (historically at least) and would be very interesting to play.

  3. The inability to play from the German side is a big disappointment - and odd if you consider that campaigns are provided for both sides in the original game. Hopefully it'll be added in a patch or mayber some individual battles provided.

    I actually prefer playing on the defensive (long standing habit dating from ASL in the mid '80s). Playing the Germans in a defensive / counter-attacking role is always fun for me.

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