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Posts posted by pazuzusmiles

  1. "....the inability to use the mouse wheel to zoom towards the cursor position really needs to be fixed...." The reviewer states..

    I challenge that this is an operater error on his part...hes talkingabout the cursor for camera angles and clicking on diff. targets.... the software allows players several ways to achieve the same zoom effect for whatever ur grognardian delights may desire ect ect...and a lot of the other issues are the usual birthing pains of new product but nothing that distracts from the gameplay...My GOD! If anythin the AI is even more intelligent than ever..(Dave? what are you doing Dave?")...which I might add there are already hotfix's available on the website .......a lot of people will be hard pressed to find a more hands on team of developers that stay in regular touch with their fanbase...clearly this kid that reviewed this is a newbie.......in essence what im really trying to say is:

    'f*** 8 out of 8.'

    ...Ive been playing CMFI for days now..need to shave....say hello to neighbors...get some sun..eat...things like that......You've done it again guys!!!

    thanks battlefront!!! hahaha

  2. Personally speaking I use trackball exclusively...it is really immersive tool for the combat mission series as you are able to casually up, down & roll aross screen without much mouse management/wrist movement at all and zooming can be tweaked in the customizable slots of the trackball....I first discovered it from an old school flight simmer who refused to fly IL2 without it....I called him a real snob.....well I dare say now I too am I snob and will not play combat mission without a trackball

  3. well I'm a johny-come-lately to the conversation but just let me say I've been a fan and prowler of your website and its forums for years now...The bottom line is you guys make a superior tactical game system and more than any other software developers, gaming outfits battlefront stays in the conversation with its very fan base....i've had poor staff members write me 3 to 5 emails slowly explaining and re-explaining how to update passwords...God bless em, they were always patient and proffessional..plus the staffs interaction with those of us who play with these toys is exeptional...(Look how the Total war outfit ailenated their fanbase)..the repository is the equivilant to a kids toybox and the gaming community around these series of games, whatever your poison be, is very open and accessible..I don't mind paying the extra money ...It pays for itself in years of replayability...years!! And I want these guys to be lucrative..I want them to profit and so does everybody else who really loves this series of games because I want them to have the tools that they need to comfortably keep evolving what has been so far the best tactical war game ever designed...yes I vote to pay the extra..I'm in this for the long jhaul baby...seems like a lotta folks on here can't really see past the eventual EF modules but i'm holding out for Combat Mission:KOREA Or Combat Mission: VIETNAM hahaha....keep it up guys...this isnt some profit churning playstation game...this is elogance...intelligence...this is a real war game....not a toy.....My wallets out...you guys make some coffee and keep teh conversation, as always, open......

  4. ...yes I agree....you spend hours in these games and you start getting attached to ur pixeltruppins...just like characters in books and the battles themselves are the actual stories rolling out...and each battle has its own unique landscape...yes I even find myself reading books pertaining to the era/ect in which I am playing....interactive historical fiction...hahaha

  5. I agree Erwin!Barbarossa to Berlin, the 1st Eastern Front software was epic in scale...u could fight whole thing from the first warm days of June to the final winter and horrors of '44-'45...but what do u men when u say:

    "I understand the logistics re starting E. Front in '44.."

    iS it gonna pick up chronologically from the calender western fronts being played on? man that would suck...I loved all the old school panzer 2's and 38T's all of which were just about obsolete or not used for field action by 1944....

    but either way ill close by saying Battlefront rocks regardless....thanks for the intelligent games

  6. Agreed good gentlemen! I am just trembling with excitement over how the eastern front expierence is gonna be like with all these new mechanics ect...marketing wise it might be smart to release the main eastern front game and then as Wodin suggested release modules for both in a rotated format...keeping all of us happy rather than burning us out on the western front...which by no means indicates im unhappy with it but part of what I like about CM series is barbaroosaa to berlin, afghanistan ect the more obscure conflicts and less of the GI JOE %#*% that clogs the market...well the US market anyway hahah

  7. yes I agree but keeping in mind when I played I really felt like I blew it on that first mission and was mauled by US forces pretty bad by moving my forces into areas that shouldve been reconned better in the second mission....I quit after the second scenario to reevulate just how comfortable I really was yet for full on campaign but at the end of each scenario the fog of war is lifted and the player can study the other side..the casualties youu may have inflicted wiithout seeing or knowing about it ect and although I absolutely love this feature as part of my after action debriefing of sorts....now I feel tainted, as though Ive cheated because if I decide to replay the campaign cuz I am more familiar with the mechanics of things now Im gonna know where the US forces were and be tempted to cheat with well aimed artillery barrage at opening of first turn...hahaha so far though still plenty more campaigns/missions to get thru without that being too much of a dilema hahahah rock on battlefront! You're the only ones that really understand me! LOL :)

  8. I totally agree with you Wodin...I read somewhere here in the forums where someone actually said the Eastern Front games saturated the market but before Barbarossa to Berlin there was but a limited handful of such games and most of those were board games on the subject..Most Americans anyway know very little of the war on the Eastern Front or how it eclipsed anything that may have militarily happened on the Western front besides in overglossy Hollywood movies such as "enemy at the gates" I am glad to see in recent years more books on the subject and some of them unbiased but before that I had to buy a lot of imported books on the subject from places like JJ Fedorwitz ect.....Yes Battlefront I just tremble witrh excitement over what the Eastern Front game will be like with all the great work you've done to its engine, graphics ect.....I tried Theatre of war 2 and visually its dazzling but Im a chess player by nature and love studying my moves, the enemies known moves, ect ect via the WEGO format. So Im having a real jones for eastern front CM!!! Especially since my barbarossa to Berlin is just too old for my new pc and wont playt on it...:(

  9. I see what you mean..its silhoutte looks familiar to grognards...put it to you this way if this tank whether it be a T-55 or a T-62 was spmehow transported back in time to WW2 battlefields you can bet byou wouldn6t be the only accidently mistaking it for a Panther!

    "....How can anybody whose played CMSF or CMN (or indeed has any interest in AFV`s) mistake that for a Panther...."

    Don't buy a book on tanks just post on here, thats what this forums for so we can discuss and hash out all the details our wives get sick of listening to..Tiger 123 incliuded..hahahah

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