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HR Poopenheimer

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Posts posted by HR Poopenheimer

  1. I was hanging out in the Chain of Command (an online RTS from the turn of century that I was hooked on) lobby one day and CoolColJ was spamming the lobby with the news of the beta demo release. No one was really taking any notice so out of pity I went to the site, downloaded the demo and fired up Last Defense. I still remember that first game, the Tiger, the Stugs, the Panzer Grenadiers in their little half-tracks and the freaking Hellcats! It was like the first time I was with a woman. I had a rough idea what all the parts were used for (I'd read about it in books and seen a thing or two on dad's VCR tapes) but fumbled over the interface and combined arms tactics. I didn't achieve what I'd set out to do, in fact I wasn't really sure what I'd set out to do. But I knew I liked it. And here I am today, a total CM PIMP. :cool:

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