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Posts posted by pkh

  1. I wasn't thinking of these things being patched in for CMSF, but more thinking ahead for CMSF 2 or whatever comes after this.

    With regards to aircraft ordnance, it feels like at the moment there is just one 'resource' value, and using heavy weapons uses up the resource faster. After dropping x amount of bombs the plane lands, although it should still have cannon rounds left f.ex.

    With regards to multicore support I would think it could matter a since there is so much line of sight, ai and hit detection going on. The developer would know better since I don't know if it's the rendering or the calculations which is the bottleneck.

    I realize CMSF is done now that NATO is relased, but I vote for the French and Russian army to be added in version 2.

  2. A couple of things I'd like to see in the future for this series:

    - Multicore support

    - Playable in window mode

    - More predictable loadouts for aircraft (f.ex. displayed as x Heavy bombs, y Medium bombs, z cannon rounds).

    - Similar for artillery (x rounds left)

    - More detailed Quick Battle (ability to pick forces)

    Also are there plans at the moment for a Shock Force 2 ?

  3. I've recently started playing this game, and overall I like it a lot, but I have some questions and issues that bug me.

    * I'd like a way to map middle mouse button (or other mouse buttons) to f.ex. 'clear waypoints'. This doesn't seem possible at the moment.

    * Are there any plans to take advantage of multicore cpu's in the next version ?

    * The british Warrior vehicles don't seem able to aim correctly with their coaxial 7.62 mm. They can practically not hit stationary infantry at close range (40m), but will consistently mis-aim.

    * The soldiers seem very poor at spotting. Many of the vehicles have IR sights, but can't spot infantry 100m away before the infantry opens fire. Similar with snipers looking at infantry firing 300m away in a previously spotted position, and they're unable to see anything.

    * When doing area targeting vs. a building, having an option to select a specific floor or the entire building would be nice.

    * I'd like an optional selection mode, where a left clicking a unit would select only that unit. Currently, if a unit is part of a selected group, left clicking it will keep the rest of the other group selected as well.

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