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Posts posted by mttodd99

  1. In the special equipment panel for the Stryker it contains a number of javelin icons.

    How are these actually used by the Stryker ? When ever I target a enemy unit it only uses its gun. And when troops are dismounted from the Strrker they don't take the javelins.

    Sorry if basic question.

    Thanks for any help.

  2. Playing world at war as the Axis, surprised that AI is declaring war on me in Jan 1941.

    Have reloaded & tried many times but always Russia declares war.

    Any ideas as to why this happens ? in previous games I have always been able to invade Russia in May or June 1941. Not sure what is different this time.

    Also is it possible for me to still win as the Axis with Rusian attacking first ?

    Appreciate any help.

    Many thanks.

  3. I am trying to move a Japanese army unit from Hanoi up towards Kumming.

    But it can only seem to move 1 square & no more.Then in subsequent turns it can move no further north towards Kumming.

    I have tried different move directions from Hanoi but still make no progress.

    I have been able to move other army units up but not this one!

    I am obviously missing something, but do not know what.

    Help very much appreciated.

  4. When I try to purchase any research funding playing as Japan in the default 39-45 game I get the message 'Maximum research funding already reached'.

    I get this no matter what unit I try to research.

    An example is heavy bomber research- 125 * 1 0(5)

    This is stopping me from purchasing the research.

    I have 397 points available with a total research funding of 625.

    Don't understand what's going on, apologies if I am misunderstanding this.

    Appreciate some help.

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