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Posts posted by FritzSchnabel

  1. I fixed this one today. What was going on here is that the city was showing the final production (not population) value. (For example, if a city had a factory, it's production value would be higher than its population.)

    Ah, okay - easy fix then (once tracked down).

    I did finally get my act together and sent an e-mail with screenshots of the timing problem with the units & city ownership in the unit bar <> the actual game play. I'm hopeful you got it - but if not, just give me a shout and I'll send again. It was a pretty small zip, so hopefully it didn't corrupt (as happened on another send).

  2. Hey Brit -

    Thanks for the quick reply!

    Regarding #1 - the additions (+) and subtractions (-) are actually updating - but just not the totals. That's slick, in that it sounds like most of the code and data are already in place.

    Regarding #5 - now that's a weird duck, in that the cities are showing just bizarre population totals. One might be 44 (that should be 19) and one might be 5 (that should be 12). Tried to find any commonality to help, but I don't see anything consistent. It's pulling the numbers somewhere, but I have no idea of the location.

    Regarding #2 - I only view finished games, so that sounds like it's going to be fixed in the next release. I'm not sure what "old" means though - so to clarify, "God View" hasn't worked in games completed as recently as this morning, using the most current software release.

    Regarding #3 - Yep, sorry to say, but as of the most current release, I was getting that in a game earlier today. No more invisible units, though!

    Regarding #4 - No sweat. I can zip and bounce a saved game over (I'll note a good location to view and take some snaps as well). I do have the e-mail addy, so no worries there. Pretty sure it's not a redraw or refresh though, as what I'm seeing in the unit bar appears to be the future state of the city, and not the past.

    Finally, thanks much for the satellite fix (and explanation on why it was happening). Thought I was losing my mind on that one.

    I'll shoot the e-mail later this afternoon, and feel free to reply e-mail if you have any questions.

    Thanks Brit!

  3. Great thread, so Brit doesn't have the same bug sent to him 20 times via the game "Bug Report" feature.

    1) During game playbacks, all resource total values are frozen on the "resource bar", and never update as the game progresses.

    2) During game playbacks, view as "God's Eye View" is broken.

    3) During game playbacks, transports sometimes disappear, showing only their contents. Pretty interesting to see a tank move across the water like that. ;)

    4) During game playbacks, city contents are many times incorrect on the "unit bar", showing "phantom" units - and sometimes cities show invalid ownership (i.e., a city may be enemy occupied, but will show as captured on the "unit bar", and even show friendly units within). I have examples, if needed.

    5) During game playbacks, clicking on a city shows an incorrect total population on the "unit bar".

    I'm pretty sure these are all the errors during game playback.

    As an aside - is anyone else experiencing unrequested satellite launches? I've had that happen to me several times (over several releases) where a group of satellites will simply decide to launch.

  4. Hi Brit -

    No worries, and we all appreciate your help. I just wasn't sure if it was a problem on my end - or if other folks were having issues with the release also - so thought I'd kick a message here.

    For what it's worth, it started getting cranky with me at in/around turn 80 - and I could milk it (let it crash, restart, reload from auto-save) up until about turn 121 - but it's crashed three times on the same turn now, so I think I've hit a wall.

    I think it knows I'm winning. ;)

    Give me a shout if you need any other specifics, and I'll bounce them either here, or via the internal bug send.

    Again, thanks for the help!

  5. Got the latest update (Version 1.01, build 9881 according to the About dialog box) and now, unhappily, it won't play but just a few dozen turns before Windows kills it ("Empires Of Steel Executable has encountered a problem and needs to close.")

    Anyone else having the same problem?


    Demo Version 1.01, Build 9881

    Windows XP, SP3

    2MB Memory

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