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Cpt. Hetzer

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Posts posted by Cpt. Hetzer

  1. Yes I agree the game is amazing to view as the battle unfolds before our eyes. I just completed the second mission of the German Campaign, I looked over my troops prior to Battle, all pretty and nice, but by the end of the battle I had one usable Panther, damaged. The battle field looked real. troops falling all over, tanks burning, incredible and stunning :).

    like allot of you, I have been playing war games for years and this is the best for me so far, love to play it when I have the time.

    Keep up the great work 1C!


  2. Well I finally got them shoot somewhat indirect at the target, they have to have a line of sight to the target or they wont shoot.

    This takes away from realistic game play with the Hummel, Wespe and others like it. These where infantry indirect fire support weapons from what I have read, not direct fire, I'm sure they were used in this manner, but only as a last effort. Gives the infantry very little support to laying down a barrage prior to sending the boys in.

    maybe the next patch?



  3. Yes I use this order, but they do not shoot as in an indirect mode but want to attack they enemy like a Tiger tank.

    Example, I had 2 Hummel's on a hill over looking the enemy, ordered them to area fire with HE rounds, both units took off to attack the enemy at point blank range, very bad results :D. These are the only units I'm having trouble with, the game is outstanding I enjoy it alot!




  4. I can't get them to fire on the location that I direct with the attack mode icon, they just start to drive to it :eek:, not a good idea :mad:

    I cannot use the area fire or attack orders, any ideas?

    Since it was designed to give infantry support as SPG, so far in the game it's totally usless, looks pretty, but useless.

    What am I doing wrong?



  5. I just purchased the game, loaded up fine, and installed all patches up to date- 1.3.1.

    I'm using Windows 7, game runs fine, but when I go to save my game it say's saving then crashes to desk top and nothing is saved.

    Anyone esle had this issue? if so what can I do to fix it, want to start a campaign but not if I can't save anything :D



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