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  1. Thanks for the reply, but for the answer. The idea of playing at half speed doesn't really appeal. Oh well, should have DL the demo before paying I spose. Guess I shall have to stick with CMx2 and Normandy for my WWII kicks.
  2. Hi all, So I decided to dust off my copy of CMBB and, in looking for patches, I found TOW2. A paid DL later, here I am. I can't wait to get back into some 'proper' wargames again. So hello all! However, although I love the game itself, I am suffering from poor FPS as soon as any battle starts to heat up. Now I did expect a little slow-down due to the maths and sfx going on, and I don't have a problem with that per se, but this is frustratingly juddery for what I expected from my rig vs rec specs. I have had a search of the forum, and have played about with some settings, both in-game and out, and have also updated any relevant drivers. Interestingly it seems to make little difference whether the game specs are low or high, the fps drop is almost equally noticable regardless. Specs are: AMD Athlon 64 Deal Core 2.8 5600+ VISTA 64x Home Premium 6GB RAM 150 GB SATA HD GForce 8800 GTS 320MB gfx 197.45 Driver UAC off Aero off AMD Dual boot patch So has anyone else got any hints, tricks or tips for me? Thanks in advance, Dudg
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