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Posts posted by Pingouin32

  1. Hello everyone,

    I'm having a hard time with vehicle patrols, particularily in the 2nd mission of From the Dawn to the Setting Sun.

    I'm supposed to patrol along a road with unarmored vehicles. Of course there's an ambush waiting for me. Whatever I do, I always take casualties. Some RPG guy pops up and destroys a car.

    Do you have some good tactics on patrols, and how to avoid casualties during them ? I always lose some men at the start of the ambush.

  2. Hey everyone,

    I've come to wonder about the purpose of killing HQ squads. In one game, I completely wiped a platoon HQ, but it seems the squads under its command can still get orders from the other player.

    Is there a point to hunt and kill HQ squads, since soldiers seem to receive orders even when they're completely alone and out of C2 ?

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