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Posts posted by formerlygunnergoz

  1. I recently upgraded computers. Have not played BFC games in years though I bought many. Decided to re-download several and re-install since I'm home a lot now due to virus and wanted something to occupy my mind. Then saw I needed to upgrade to new versions for them to work. Spent $25 ($20 + $5) on two upgrades for CMBfN and CMBS. Turns out none of the installs works, can't even get game or activation screens to launch on my modern Win 10 system. Created help desk ticket, got one piece of advice back ("try to launch authenticator with administrator permission") which did not work. No follow up by help desk since. I have hundreds of dollars of BFC game investments lost at this point, games I can't play because of the highly restrictive copy protection. I'd at least like my $25 back since this darn virus situation has our budget stretched to the max. Thanks.

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