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Posts posted by Ssnake51

  1. My only gripe with the UI is the way text is displayed. I'd love to be able to play this game at my desktop resolution of 2560 x 1600 but there is no way I can read comfortably anything in the UI. Sure I can reduce the resolution to 1920 x 1200 but even though text is then readable it is slightly blurry.

    Other games do a good job of scaling text with higher resolutions. Wish that could be done here.

  2. Generally agree with you here, but there are few good Sov unit histories, in particular. Sure glantz does a great job of describing what happened, but not so great at conveying "conditions", or the human aspect of the war.

    Maybe I'm just too damn old, but at this stage of my life I have almost zero interest in the 'human aspect' of war. It seems to be the same in all wars: it was like hell on earth.

    Am much more interested in what happened and why it happened.

  3. Iam having no problems with the kindle. I also have the Kindle Fíre HD so I load books on both of my Kindles. While reading on the Paperwhite I watch the picures and maps on the Fire HD. Now I prefer tihs method over books as I can zoom in and out of maps and I never have the issue with maps being to small to find specific places.

    Agree. Am using iPad and it often makes it much easier to view maps and pictures on it than in the paperbook version.

    That is a neat trick using the Paperwhite for reading and the Fire HD for displaying maps. Hadn't thought of doing that.

  4. Just bought this too. Damn you all.

    As to Glantz, I gotta admit I actually really like his work. In particular I really liked the Stalingrad series. Still waiting for the last of that trilogy.

    Am not sure it should be called a trilogy anymore. Looks like the third part is being printed in two volumes along with a companion book. Approximately 2300 pages for the three books.:eek:

    I have it pre-ordered through amazon. Looks like it is going to be a busy year for reading.

    That "Into the Oblivion" does look interesting. Haven't yet read any of Jason Mark's books. Will probably pick it up also.

  5. You asked for novice tactical gameplay advice, we sincerely gave the best advice we could. CM:BN is a detailed historical combat sim with no deliberate corner-cutting (except maybe artillery lethality is a bit light). The game's like chess, the learning process isn't finished once you've learn how the pieces move. Most players find the ongoing learning to be the fun part. I've been playing this game engine for five years more-or-less. Every scenario's a new challenge and I still get my butt kicked by it on a regular basis. In other words, I'm having fun!

    I'd say the game is very different from chess. Chess has no randomness built into. Except maybe the random element of one player being better than the other:)

    Not saying this makes CMBN a bad game. It just is not a game like chess and I think the OP wants a game more like chess.

  6. Although I will definitely enjoy the east front the most out of all the games/modules, honestly I'd rather it be LAST, just so that by that time the engine is far more refined, all the little LOS issues hopefully cleaned up, movable waypoints, tcpip wego w/replay or RT with autopause (I'd prefer the latter personally), maybe even co-play by then...

    Very good point.

  7. Anyhting with American troops sells better than the EastFront...

    You're probably right, though I suspect (or hope) that would apply more to the causal wargame player. Seems that most Americans conception of WW2 is that of American troops landing on the Normandy Beaches and then holding out against the Hun hordes at the Battle of the Bulge.

    Shame...EastFront is my bad too...so it's a long wait....I just hope I'm not dead before it's released...oh to be 25 again then I know I have enough time...

    Well I just turned 60 recently and stil feel confident I'm going to be around to enjoy it when it is released.:D

  8. Dont understand why? Eastern Front is in my Opinion more interesting than the Battles on Normandy! The Battle of Stalingrad, Kharkow, ...

    The most important parts of the War happened on the eastern Front.

    I can understand the technical reasons for not taking up the Eastern Front right away. However, I do agree with your point about the importance of the Eastern Front. And I share your interest in that aspect of WW2.

  9. Yeah, I think it unfair and unseemly to jump on to PCO or PCO testers and certainly to do it on account of this asshat. Bless them, I hope PCO does well too.


    Though I plan on spending most of my time with CMBN, I am also excited about PCO - mainly because I am more interested in the Eastern Front than I am the Normandy Campaign.

    Think we should be thankful both games are availabe. And yea, the OP sure seems to be a real loser.

  10. Just turned 60 myself. Glad to see some younger folks are also interested in this game, though I suspect a very large percentage of players are close to middle age or older.

    On a related note. I recently installed CM:SF on my rig and have to admit to having trouble reading the text on my 30" lcd. From what I gather, the UI is going to be pretty much the same in CM:BN. I hope the developers give some serious consideration to making the font adjustable for those of us with aging eyes.

    After all, it is us older folks who have the disposable income to spend on humungous monitors.:D

  11. I have to admit to being somewhat skeptical of that claim. First time I had heard of such a claim.

    In any case, thanks for the recommendation on the book. I've already downloaded a sample of the kindle edition.

    Another excellent book that also deals with medevac missions is Michael Novosel's Dustoff: The Memoir of an Army Aviator. Unfortunately, it is out of print but used copies can still be picked up for a reasonable price.

  12. :) the ipad hurts my eyes due to its backlight. Also cannot be read in good natural light. Kindle just gets better the more natural light u have. Amazingly clear.

    kindle fits in my pocket.

    Will be good for toilet, park, bus, train, TV etc reading. What a modern world we live in.

    Don't want to derail this thread, so will limit myself to one respsonse.

    I have both and actually prefer the ipad over the kindle for reading. Easier on my eyes than the Kindle. But I do all my reading indoors. Also the kindle ipad app is easier to use than the kindle itself.

    You are quite right about the portability of the kindle vs. the ipad. Also much better battery life on the kindle.

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