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Posts posted by harry33

  1. I think it would nice if there was a junction or connection between GC and Patton drives east ie if Germany lose the war against the allies the

    Axis or Allies player would have to choose between a new alliance between USA/Germany against Soviet/China or USA vs Soviet/China.

    If you choose Germany as ally, your tropes would lose moral but you would gain support form German cities and trops.

  2. It's relative.

    My grandfather was born in Poznan and this region was a part of the German Empire but after the WW1 was it a part of Poland (because the German ethic was the minority - but they was citizen of Poland).

    A lot of German citizen of Poland was delight of the occupation of Poland and for this German,which after the WWII was expelled from their homeland (although they were de jure citizen of Poland), murdered or raped were the government of Poland (and Polish ethic) a bunch of criminals.

    (This was one of the largest genocide of the nineteenth century!)

    By the way;The use of "hammer and sickle" (as symbol;D) is forbidden in Poland, Hungary and the Baltic states.

    I think it would be nice if one could choose between "no swastika " and "swastika" (before one download the game because it's could be illegal in Germany).

  3. "communism share many common..."

    that's crap.

    fascism and imperialism are a facses of the capitalistic/bourgeois system.A lot of communist/socialists aso died in concentration camps (like ernst thälmann) etc. .The communist ideology is far away from the fascism ideology!

    The Nazis and italian fascists retain banks and industry companies (and much of them did a lotsa money like e.g. "Krupp, Siemens , Daimler, Volks Wagen" and so on...

    But in the sowjet union was all companies in absolute ownership of proletarians...

    (by the way the UDSSR was socialistic and not communistic!)

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