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Posts posted by spudweasel

  1. 20 hours ago, Schrullenhaft said:

    Are you certain the patches are being installed in the directories that you have the games installed to ? If they install to a different directory, then they will not have all of the files that they need to run. I suggest NOT copying the patches to the actual game directories to run them also. This could lead to some strange installation scenarios where the patch is nested in folders within the game.

    The CMSF2 patch is being installed into the correct directory.  I think I need to uninstall and reinstall CMSF2.  I just hope that the problem with the 2.06 patch doesn't repeat itself.

  2. After installing the SF v2.06 update the game fails to start.  I have all modules and upgrades installed.  The game was fully updated and working prior to the 2.06 update.  I added exceptions to my antivirus for the game folder and the 2.06 update.  I tried installing the update as administractor.  All attempted fixes result in the same problem.  The update seems to install fine.  When I'm asked for the activation keys and input them they're are accepted.  Hitting play then hangs the game on the tank firing screen shown in the first post above.  Disk space is not an issue.  I'm using Win11 Pro.  Running the game had not been an issue before.  I won't bother trying to install the Battle for Normandy or the Black Sea updates until I can be sure SF2 is fixed.  Any suggestions?

  3. OK, my current Alienware P4 3ghz PC is 6.5 years old, but someone has to explain to me why game developers insist on developing software for the highest end machines. I'd love to buy Kursk 1943. But I don't have a Core 2 Duo. Do the developers expect me to buy a new PC just to play this game? Don't tell me it's time to upgrade. I'm questioning the business model of the developer. Certainly, I'm not the only one who would need to upgrade. The point is that the developer narrows its own market for its product by developing only for the high end. This is already a niche market. I'm done ranting.

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