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Posts posted by lordxorn

  1. I am curious, I just nuked a super stack of USSR's units on their own island, and not in one of their cities.

    Is this not suppose to cause a state of war? I thought it was cool that it didn't, because I am seriously outnumbered. :D I am going to try nuking another super stack this in a city where the unit number indicator is a "+" lol, before a war dec.

    BTW, AWESOME nuke effects. :D

  2. Hi Thomas,

    I too was in your same shoes, as I run Windows 7. It was all fixed by following Moon's advice, except you are missing one step. "runservice.exe".

    I found that file in my windows folder, and added that to the dep exception list, and voila it worked fine.

    I would recommend you do a full search for that file, because I missed adding that to the dep and only the EOS.exe and I had the same problem as you.

  3. I tried to reproduce this problem, but without any luck. One possibility here is that the city doesn't actually have a population of 10. The map display shows a number below the city. This number is not the population number, but it's the production value. This means that a city might have a population of 9, but a production value of 11. This is different than the way, say, civilization shows numbers on the map. This might be confusing some people, and I might want to change the map-display so that it shows the population number, rather than the production value. (Admittedly, the production value is a little tricky anyway. Factories increase production value. But, so do shipyards - but only when building sea-units. The production-value that's shown on the interface is the general production value, which includes factories, but not shipyards.)

    Now that you explained it that makes sense. I think the way you have it now is good, because it seems the production value is what counts for what you are looking for in a city?

    Unlike CIV, where pop means a more valulable city because of it's placement, specialization, so that game makes sense to have pop as the shown value.

  4. I appreciate your always prompt response, and I can also respect the design decision. I can't imagine all the time it would take to really create an AI that doesn't cheat, I guess I will have to really focus my over all strategy. :D

  5. Brit grrreat game BTW!

    I have been playing the demo for a couple days, and I am really impressed with this and I plan to buy it as soon as my Commander in Chief (Wife) approves my funding request.

    I was just wondering if you allow the AI to cheat to make it more challenging for us players. Because I have fielded an army a quarter of the size of the AI and I am having food issues.

    While I have not fully gather intel on the AI and how much resources he has, the size of his army makes it seem there not enough food on the whole map.

    I also have all the food techs researched.

    At least I think for the demo, don't know if registered version has more techs then demo.

    Also, for those people comparing this to Empire Deluxe Enhanced, this game is light years ahead of that. Which I guess is a good thing, because my expectations were low. :)

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