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Posts posted by Balor

  1. Had washout bug while it was an airplanes turn and also tested for a ship, clicked off range lines and it fixed the problem.

    The check box for radar lines did nothing to fix the washout, then again I do not have any radars and not sure how else to test it.

    P.S Keep up the great work Brit. It is great to see someone who cares about his program. I am tired of people/companies not supporting thier software be it in forums and/or via updates.

  2. HP HDX18 laptop

    4 gig ram

    I am playing on the largest map with 10 players and I am about 1/3 the way through the game. I am getting Out of Memory every 1-2 turns which makes playing this current game any further a waste of effort.

    This is the third game of the last four I had to end due to the memory issue.

    Do all the extra messages I receive now due to the 'borders addition' add to the memory problem?

    On another note I still do not get a warm fuzzy feeling when issuing orders to a battleship if it went through or not.

  3. Enemy units outside cities visibility needs to be looked at. As of right now it is in the best interest to place your units outside the city as the opponent can not bombard them with aircraft, ships or artillery unless he has a unit very close. Yet this is not the case with cities. I know what units are in the city and how long I need to keep up the artillery. I can easily select the city for bombardment with aircraft,ships and artillery but the 10 units in the stack next to the city mysteriously disappeared.

    Perhaps keep units visible, as long as sighted by an aircraft/unit that turn or participated in a battle remain on the map for 1 turn if no units are adjacent to it. If this unit is not spotted or not attacked the next turn then make it disappear.

    Another issue is I do not get the comfty feeling when I try and bombard a city with a battleship that the order went through. When I attack with other units the visual indicator is there.

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