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Posts posted by robert.l.hatcher

  1. Hubert, I would like to see 3 research areas added for tactics. One for air, sea, and land. This would be a very expensive research area that increases not only a units attack and defense values, but also morale, movement, supply, and possibly even the number of strikes. This would be the equivalent of a land unit learning combined arms doctrine, manoeuver. It may possibly only go as high as 3 points and should cost the same as two of the other more expensive research items such as heavy tanks.

  2. Thanks. I really enjoy it, especially the decisions and various grand strategy decisions you can make while still fighting on an operational scale. There are a lot of units and your mouse hand gets tired, but once you have positioned many of them, many fronts just sit.

    I do add lots of MPPs at the beginning so you have more flexibility. Up front the Allies get 11k between them while the Axis get 22k. Over time the Allies get 33k more while the Axis get 22k more. I then give the Axis a decision to fully mobilize much earlier while the Allies slowly keep ramping up their mobilization. It hurts the Axis NM. For the French, they get a huge boost of MPP and NM if they make it until late July 1940.

    Anyways, look forward to it.

  3. It is a great game, I enjoy it. I appreciate the updates and work you are putting into it. Since I am just into 1941 for v2.1 it may be some time before I can play 3.0. However, I can say it may be a mistake to take Gneisenau and Scharnhorst away, as Germany will be unlikely to compete with the UK Navy.

    Did you modify the Axis AI scripts so that you can play as the Allies?

  4. Some of you have mentioned SS units. How are they different from regular units? How are retreats working? ...I have not heard of any units retreating so far

    EV, the SS units are some of the best in the game behind tanks and tac air. They have good offense and defense numbers and lower the morale of units they attack. I don't have the game open but I think their numbers are better than armies and paratroops. I usually buy these first.

    On retreats, it is useful and annoying. I certainly like it when my units back out and are not destroyed. I have noticed it more with mobile units such as tanks, but virtually all units will take a step back if there is room behind them. It actually does not occur often but that just may be my observation since I tend to attack units from multiple sides. I have noticed that garrisons will retreat easily under minor pressure. I would not use garrison units to hold the front line. They are better used in the rear or to cover locations to act as an alert and stall an easy landing, such as along the Normandy coast.

  5. There is AA, but it is best to upgrade AA as a tech for everyone. It really whittles down your air when you are striking units with aircraft and taking damage. It goes in increments from 1-5 but I usually get no further than 2 because of priorities for upgrades. It is a very expensive upgrade for a HQs, costing 30 MPPs. I found AA units have little use except to hold cities like garrisons. They are good for France to help against the Allied bomber onslaught.

    TAC air is still deadly, and a must to soften up tanks before you hit them with your own or an infantry assault. However, TAC air does not usually kill on its own, and with the number you can purchase relative to the scale of the game, you end up with entire fronts with limited air support or even none.

    I like to group 2 fighters, 2 TAC air, and a long range bomber with a HQs that follows the main effort. That way I give the main drive firepower to punch through and I have a HQs that can keep them supplied and able to upgrade. I may even keep a corps or two with that group to destroy partisans which crop up the further you drive in to the USSR.

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