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Posts posted by Townes

  1. As I said before, if in MP both parties agree on it then it's not cheating. However, I still have an issue with an auto-LOS tool because it will fundamentally change the way the game is played. RAKE, has a very good point which sums up what I fear will happen:

    Basically, what Rake is saying is that the role of scouting, which is an important part of combat tactics, will be greatly diminished because people will be using Auto-LOS tool instead. It will fundamentally change the way the game is played, diminishing the realism that BF is trying to simulate.

    Alright, sorry for being a bit hostile and insulting in my own post. I understand your argument more clearly now. I do like the idea that Jock suggested. You only get the tool in specific circumstances, rather than from point to point. but overall it is good to get some ideas going on the LoS system.

    Also with the processor intensive, I think that might just depend on how they do the engine if they make a new one, but that could also open another can of worms admittedly.

  2. Some of you are using really lame name calling tactics, labeling us "cheaters" "control freaks" or claiming we want an "unfair advantage" if we want to have this tool, but remember this: This by and large played is as single player game. You do not have to use this tool when YOU play and you shouldn't suppress our desire to have it when we play. If you use machineguns, should I accuse you of being a cheater and wanting an unfair because they never jam in this game compared to CM1 titles?

    I even suggested having this tool off by default in the highest difficulties where you have to worry about your spotting to your own units (that is unless you simply use macros to select around your squads on the field quickly. I might as well call you a cheater for using macros to quickly select squads at that point then if I am going to use lame name calling tactcs.) I am sure it could be agreed on by the PBEM host whether to use it or not.

    I know some of you really get off on using the target tool and that is nice, but I want to enjoy other aspects of the game than just moving a line around and targeting. Can I enjoy it without this? yes, but it would save a lot of time for scenario developers and more casual players alike.

    All in all, I am sorry if you get off on spending hours using the LoS checking tool then feel the need to make negative claims of others because you don't like how we want something that makes that become mostly time wasted and ability less important. Technology changes and options change.

  3. Well the way I see it, you don't have to remove the line tool, but it just gives you a quick reference button that works better than fidgeting with the line forever. Then you can use the line for critical information (some information will be color coded.)

    As for the mention of height, it should be on a way point basis, so the height should already be factored in and things color coded to help know if there is a reverse slope, blocked LoS, and such. Yeah it isn't going to be perfect but it'll save a lot of time.

    As for realism and "over the top" complaints, there is a LOT of things that are abstracted in this game. If you like pure line LoS, you could just turn it off or perhaps choose a difficult setting (like Iron I think it was where spotting included your own squads) which will automatically strip this tool.

    With a new engine or engine enhancements, they could try to bypass the old technical limitations if they put their mind to it I think.

  4. Recently I have read a few complaints about finding LoS and how difficult it can be at times.

    I have an idea for a new tool that could be implemented in new engines: Instead of simply drawing a line, the game can just highlight EVERY AVAILABLE spot that can be seen from that point. There can be colors based on if it is a reverse slope target and some other conditions. Then for real fine detail, one can actually use the archaic line drawing LoS tool. Wouldn't it save so much tedium of checking locations if one button could just display all of the data for you? The only thing you would have to do now is set several waypoints and hit the at them button to find the kind of spot you want.

  5. I was playing USMC: Blues for Allah in real time using the red forces. At one point in the mission, I had 2 technical machineguns firing maybe 30-40 meters at a USMC MG team that was pinned down on pavement with no cover other than perhaps their low crawling.

    Being frustrated with the inability to kill them and realizing they had no additional cover, I drove the technical almost point blank. The technical literally fired for a minute and a half and not a single person from the MG team died, then their reinforcements moved up and killed my technical.

    Why couldn't a technical even the MG team at near point blank with a MG?

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