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Posts posted by Butch_N

  1. Hi

    I must disagree, Nokturnal. To you it is a pointless feature, to me (and others that have tri screens) it is a must or I (we) can't play.

    As to how hard it is, I don't know. Probably not that hard as most any newer games do support it. Even many older games support it too, such as Test Drive Unlimited, a game that came out like 3 years ago, or so. LOL, there are even silly games such as Aquadelic GT and Serious Sam II that have support for it.

    I do agree most people don't use three screens, but the popularity is certainly growing, just check out WSGF to see all the buzz.

    And now with ATI offering multi screen gaming directly from the gfx card, well I feel certain many more will be joining the club.

    This was not a request for something "pretty" to be added. It is a request to add a feature that will allow us that have tri screen setups to play the game. Otherwise, we are pretty much left on the dock. Most of us with it that want to buy the game will not buy it if we can't use it. To us this is not a 'want' it is a 'need'.

    It should be done correctly too, no Vert Negative and should support Bezel Management.

    And I want TrackIR support too. That I assume is certainly already in it though, I would think. This request is a 'want', as I could play the game without it (not idealy, but could play all the same). TH2Go support is a 'need' as I can't play without it. Big difference.

  2. Hi all

    I have been interested in this game for a long time now. As it nears US release, I have been watching it closer. I haven't seen any meantion of support for TH2Go, SoftTH or Eyefinity.

    I would like to request support for Triple screen gaming.

    Preper aspect and resolutions, if possible.

    If the game already supports the correct resolutions for this, please disregard this post.

    Thank you :)

  3. Thank you

    However, even though you don't have the triplehead res showing, doesn't neccessarily mean it isn't supported. I know rFactor only shows the resolutions if you have the capability to run it. Before I got TH2Go, I never had the tri screen resolutions as an option in it. I believe some other games didn't offer it either.

    I will post, but hopefully someone that knows for sure will chime in.

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