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Posts posted by Bolteg

  1. Hello guys!

    I'm not sure if this has already been asked, but I have a question about the trenches in the next CM game. I know BFC decided to make them invisible for the other side, which is good in my opinion, however I don't know how would they work now. In CMSF they were just holes that the scenario designer dig in the editor, they didn't have any bonuses themselves, it was just harder to hit units in those holes, that's all.

    In CMx1 it was different. Trenches were OBSTACLES then, with huge cover and concealment bonuses, but they also stopped units from fast moving for the same reason of them being an obstacle. That is, OK, I can maybe understand a tank going slower over them in real life in order to not get stuck, but watching how infantry crawled there with a speed of snail was just painful.

    Trenches meant to be an easy and fast way to move around soldiers on a given position.

    I hope, I really do hope there will be no speed restrictions for units that are in the trench!

    Also, having bunkers without any MGs or guns would also be nice, just for infantry to sit there under artillery barrage. Check Alex's first scenario from his Red campaign to know what I'm talking about - there's a nice trench system on Syrian's left flank which is being aimed by British arty in the beginning. You just put your fighters in the bunker and they patiently wait there, safe and sound, and when Blue forces start to advance with their light vehicles, they quickly man their battlestations and rip a new one for Britons. :)

  2. thanks for the update. I am surprised that no one from their team is in this forum to promote the gate. How many months and no screens or another youtube video.

    You see, they don't give a crap about their costumers. "Why?" is a really good question and I don't know the answer. They have a crap PR department (I wouldn't be actually surprised if they don't have PR department at all). This forum section has a lot more action than their whole CMBB + CMSF + CMSF: Afghan section.

    Snowball is used to release early alpha versions and label them as "final", and then - IF there's an uproar, they use players who actually paid money for their crap localizations that don't work as beta-testers and release patches using their numerous bug reports. They've really mastered this technology: http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Thanks

    let hope they patch up Marines soon so we can get on with the Afghan war. I am hoping the Editor will have new buildings.

    No, no, mate, you didn't understand. It's not like they want to finish Marines patch first, and then put all resources to Afghan development - no. It was just an illustration of how they work. Although they say there will be a patch, everyone perfectly understands there won't be any.

    They probably release Afghan module at some point, but I'd give them half a year - minimum.

  3. Snowball worker told on their forums more than month ago (10 February) that "we hope that in the next months the situation will change and we could provide some information to the people who are interested in this genre and in this particular game"

    К сожалению, работа над проектом, как вы сами видите, затянулась, поэтому до сих пор слишком много неопределённых моментов. В связи с этим и информации недостаточно.

    Надеюсь в ближайшие месяцы ситуация изменится и мы сможем предоставить какую-то определённую информацию тем, кому интересны игры подобного жанра в общем и проект "Линия фронта. Афганистан '82" в частности.

    There's typical Snowball for ya.. They are still working on Marines' patch (the latest patch is 1.10, iirc, in Russian version).

  4. Funny, I'm reading all of this yearning for CMSF cherry picking, but nobody's posted to say "I opened a QB map in the editor, placed EXACTLY the units I wanted, closed, and played it as a scenario." That's as close as you'll ever get to cherry picking in this title but apparently nobody's bothered trying it.

    I'm reminded of of my old kit hobby days when everybody's favorite tank was "the one they haven't provided yet". T55, Cromwell, Centurion - those were the tanks everyone yearned for most... until they became available. Y'know, there's not much at all standing in the way of your dreamed-of sniper duel scenario, or T90s versus MGS, or whatever cherry-picked units you yearn for. All you have to do is open the editor and make it happen. 5 minutes work.

    I never play QB against AI. In CMBB, more than half of the games I've played were QB, against the other player, the others were scenarios.

    In CMBB, we need to decide how many points each of us will have and then pick our forces. Now, you're suggesting that in CMSF I should open a map with editor, place some units with no restrictions (as there's no points in the game), pass the modified map to the other player, who needs to open it with the editor and add his troops with no restrictions. The only limit is his and my honesty. He can have a look at my forces if he's not very fair and I won't know about it. This, and the fact that there's no points, make QB PBEM battles worthless.

    As it is now, we have to search for good H2h scenarios (which are quite rare, because Blue forces usually still have the advantage) if we want to play a battle, I've never played QB against human and I probably won't ever play it.

  5. Thanks for the bump, Pandur. :)

    I think it's extremely rare sight - real fighting soldiers (and even officers) of Soviet Army give honest interviews to a British journalist who doesn't try to show it all as BS a la Rambo III.

    I've heard about another documentary called "The Soviet Experience", also about the Afghan war, to couldn't find the full version, only 10 minutes of it. :( If anobody can share, it would be much appreciated!

  6. What is interesting, there's a H2H scenario, British Recce against Syrian recon troops; Brits have about dozen of Jackals, Syrians have 5 BMP-1 with Recon dismounts and 2 ATGMs. I've managed to pull a clear victory against the Red side even on such a small map - Syrians were not reacting fast enough.

    On other maps I usually use this vehicle as an overwatch, never try to attack with it.

  7. Damian, I don't know a lot of things about the tanks, but there is a comment to that video

    this is definately a T-64. i'm sure. only the T-64 and the T-72 has such autoloader model (i've seen a T-72 inside, its different). made in 1965 (no smoke venting). this thing was made in the vietnam era. 125mm gun, first composite armor, new type of engine.

    is this guy talks from his ass?.. Or there is actually a possibility that this is in fact a T-64?

  8. Taken from MPN forums, author is Figurant

    some aviation related troll humor:

    russiastrong.forums.ru: T-50 vs F-22 victories : 1 to 100 or 1 to 1000?

    USAstrong.forums.ru: Why FAK PA s..cks compared to F-15C

    lockheed.martin.forums.com: The Russkies stole it again

    yf23fans.sad.forums.com: Memoriiiiies. Why Sukhoi is better than LM

    russian-military-experts.com /.ru: PAK FA: a great hoax that doesn't work

    cnn.com/forum: Cash-strapped Russia finally test its 5th generation fighter

    bbc.co.uk/forum: Cash-strapped Russia finally flies an outdated Raptor copy

    bharat.india.strong.com/forum: Should India continue to build the PAK FA in Russia or go on on its own?

    beijing.greater-china.cn/forum: How China surpasses both the US and Russia (photoshop only thread)

    stealth-machines.f22.com/forum: Why the PAK FA is not stealthy

    paralay.ru/forum: 3D and graphic designers badly needed!

    banderaaviation.nation.ua/forum: Why everything Russian s..cks, especially PAK FA

    french-touchdown.aviation.fr/forum: Russia joins US and France in the 5th generation club

    georgia.fight-for-freedom.com/forum: PAK FA: another barbarious crime

    poland-not-yet-dead.freedom.com/forum: Why doesn't the US give us 1000 PAC-3 against PAK FA?

    starwars.jedi.com/forum: They promised a Death Star and we got bantha dung

  9. Hello guys!

    I am in a badly need of a good old PBEM battle :)

    I'm an average player, but can play as either side - Red or Blue, doesn't really matter.

    Besides the originial module, I can play scenarios/maps from the Marines and British modules as well.

    If anybody would like to have a little war, PM me please. :)

  10. Hello guys!

    Could anyone please recommend me a good scenario to play via email - my opponent has a vanilla version and a British module. I'd like to try out British module in multiplayer myself, but if there isn't any balanced map for it, then a scenario for the original game will do as well. :)

    What I mean when say "balanced scenario" - for example, in my opinion, "Rock around the block" is a great map to play in multiplayer.

  11. Arabs as a whole seem more prone to visible and violent outrage amongst the people then most people in other parts of the world. Like firing your AK 47 in the air on a national celebration day. While I don't really understand that behavior, that doesn't mean there are no reasons for them to behave like they do.

    You see, I have no problems if they want to shoot their rifles in the air to celebrate something, however I do have problems with the things I've mentioned earlier - bombings etc. Or are you trying to say that this is also a part of their culture?

    About the reasons - everything has one. I'm sure killers of the whole Olympic team also had one; as had those who murdered women and children in Budenovsk and Beslan, this doesn't make it any less despicable.

    Somehow it is less shocking to see a bulldozer slowly dozing a house inhabited by family of a suicide bomber, but the effects are none the less shocking for those involved (to name one example).

    It is not shocking for me at all, if it's some shahid's house - should be not so selfish and think about his family before blowing himself up. It would be shocking if it had been innocent guy's house though.

    To get back to the point, Palestinians do not posses guided missiles nor do they posses any other military hardware that is able to inflict damage or significant casualties among IDF, apart from suicide bombers and the like.

    Nor do Talibs, however they manage alright with IEDs. Also, if they must use suicide bombers, why target civilians? To make them fear? That's a terror act right there.

    That doesn't mean I support the firing of rockets on civilian targets, but it is almost the only thing they can do and definitely the only thing that they can do with effect.

    And what exactly is this effect? The one effect that I'm aware of is that it's a certain that after some time all hell will break loose over their heads - "Cast Lead" is a good example of such effect. Do they really want this?

    For me it is not a clear cut to define Hamas violence as pure simple terrorism since they sort of have a (semi) nation and those are their only options for 'war'.

    I'm not sure I understood you correctly because of the language barrier (I have small amount of practice in English, sorry).

    Do you mean that these methods are their only way of fighting against Israel? I disagree then - there is no need to aim at civilians on purpose. They do have some sort of military bases, outposts etc? Why not fire at those?

    That AND the fact that the Israeli's are more 'civilized' as a society, makes me feel reinforced in my opinion that Israel should take (all) the first steps in this conflict, IF they feel like a peaceful solution.

    Which is what they did and are doing, as I already have said - the ban of settlements is a good example.

    Let me stress again, Hamas is in my opinion not a desirable government in any form

    With that I agree

    But it is the government the Palestinians chose to have;.

    "Reap what you sow".

    They've democratically elected islamist radicals who declare their aim is to wipe Israel? They get their results - escalation of the situation that happened this year.

    Arafat has negotiated for such a long time but in the end it didn't have any results for the people. So who can blame them for concluding that negotiations are not doing anything good for them?

    I doubt that killing civilians is a better aproach to solve the situation

    Next poster is the traitor.

    Not fair, it took some time for me to read and write my response, there was no post of your at that time. :)

  12. I bet the freeze will be suspended after a rocket is fired.

    Then don't fire a rocket. I mean, I can probably understand a fight against military assets, attacks on soldiers - maybe, just maybe. But firing a rocket blindly in the general direction of a city or bombing purely civilian objects - this is an act of terrorism. This, by the way, goes to Israel also - the attacks on some of the objects that were destroyed in 2006 in Lebanon were not necessary.

    It is true that Sharon has removed quite a number of illegal villages some time ago. However this was not enough, for the Palestinians, and I guess it should only be enough if Israel LEAVES Gaza to Gazans. Not only 75% of it.

    One must start with something, right? As you have said:

    But the only realistic mindset, is the mindset that emphasis the need for Israel to undertakes positive action. They are partly responsible for the current FUBAR and are the only key holder to its solution.

    I see such ban as a positive action towards Palestinians.

    According to my information Hamas is willing to accept Israel when they retreat back to the 1967 borders. However of course they will never approve it en public as it will diminish their bargaining power.

    To be honest, I kinda doubt this. These guys are not moderates, they will see such retreat as an sign of weakness and their path as a true one, that gave them fruits. Now, if there had been someone in the power who would actually really stop harrasing Israel after such retreat, I'd be all for it.

    Bolteg, if you are interested please invest some more time in this subject.

    Some years ago I tried to do a research for myself to figure out what exactly has happened and happens in the Balkans - "who's right and who's not", in other words. After some time I threw this idea in the garbage bin - it is a giant clusterf*ck and simply isn't black and white (although my sympathies are still on the Serb's side).

    I have a feeling that it's the same with Palestine vs Israel situation. I sometimes read discussions (sometimes a very heated ones, sometimes they are civilized) between Israelis and people who back the Palestinians, my knowledge is based on the information I got out of such conversations (normally I don't participate in those). And the most important thing I got out of them is that it all depends on the person and his point of view - some "fact" can be seen in absolutely different light by two guys.

    n my opinion Israel is just securing it's strategic goals by any means necessary, claiming to be the civilized side in this and they are only protecting their civilians.

    Well, they are more civilized side - the way Hamas dealt with Fath (spelling?), the wide usage of suicide bombers, flag burnings, the cheerings of usual people in the streets after the planes crashed into the World trade center - no, such things don't give points for being civilized in my book.

    They do have a very healthy press/propaganda machine and a lot of lobbying organizations world wide that are intended to let us in the west think it's all good there.I think you have been partly blinded by their excellent PR, as was I once long ago.

    I'm not from the west. :) I'm Russian, who was born in one of the Soviet Union's republic that after its collapse became Lithuanian republic. I live in European Union, yes, but in Eastern Europe, and local media isn't very pro-Israel, so to ssay, nor do we have Jewish lobbyist. More over, the sentiment amongst the usual crowd here isn't very pro-Jewish also (I'm talking from my first-hand experience).

    And I don't watch any of the Western news channel, be it BBC, CNN or Foxnews (I don't watch TV at all), so I wouldn't be so sure about the propaganda working on me part. :)

    In case you're wondering where I get the news - I work with numerous local newspapers (as I said, they aren't pro-Israel) and I frequently read big international forums where people from all over the world post news (usually military-related), there you can hear every interested side of the situation.

  13. Unfortunately (?) Hamas was elected in a democratic way. The elections were one of the most 'honest' among the middle east, as they were heavily controlled by international inspectors. One can't just remove an elected government

    I'm not proposing a colour revolution a la Ukrainian or Georgian or Kirgizian one, I'm saying that as long as both sides stop acting like pricks, there will be bloodshed - in case of the Palestinian side, they should stop supporting those who agitate to commit terror acts and who's aim is to eliminate Israel as a country.

    From my personal standpoint, Israel is continually blowing up any chances for negotiating because they are constantly making the situation worse. New settlements, etc etc.

    OK, please feel free to correct me, if I'm mistaking, but didn't Israel banned all the settlers in the Gaza strip several years ago? And is trying to do the same with the settlemetns on the West bank? I remember seeing footages of clashes of IDF and police versus the settlers from time to time. For example, the fresh one


    Yup, after readin it - here:

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the settlement freeze last month as a bid to restart stalled peace talks with the Palestinians. Settlers and their supporters have resisted the move, attempting to block the entry of inspectors to settlements and staging protests across the country.

    There is no code for immobilising infantry weapons (i.e. non vehicles).

    I see.. But wouldn't it be possible to make a static gun as a "vehicle", but veery soft skinned and that has a speed of zero km/h? :)

    While you could code them in as small, immobile vehicles, that would also stop you putting them on roof tops, which would annoy some people, you couldn't transport them away, which would annoy others and also apply to ATGs and you couldn't resupply them, which would annoy others still.

    Well, putting anti-tank guns on the rooftop is not the most widely method of their usage.

    ATGs couldn't be ressuplied in CMx1, tanks and technicals can't be ressuplied in CMSF (or can they?.. I might be mistaking), so the biggest whine the players could have about them is that they are static. In my opinion, it's still better than no ATGs at all. :)

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