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Posts posted by dc1962

  1. Help!. I've recently re-puchased adn downlaoded this game. I enjoyed playing it a number of years ago. The base game loads fine (v 1.11). But when I try to add the other bundles, my AVG Internet secuirty warns of a virus wariing with the exe file for each add on. If I ignore it the game won't load, if I delete the virus the exe file for the game goes away! I noteced on the help section it talked about fixing this with AVG under the options and exceptions menu. However. I don't see an exceptions folder under the options (See attached image)

    If there a slolution-what am I doing wrong? I really enjoyed playing this game previously.





  2. I just downloaded the game only see the the three toutorals and one campaign,in which you need to win before it lets you advance to the next battle in the campaign. I don't see any signle battles, scenerio editor to create your own, or other campaigns (although their listed but blacked out). Is this all there is or is more coming in updates/patches? So far, I'm not impressed for a game that took so long to come out.

  3. Is their way to incresase the time for the battles? I find the game often does not provide a realistic amount of time to accomplish the objectives e.g. moving a company accross 500 meters and then defeating an large enemy formation in a village all in 30 minutes. I find the game ending just as the fighing begins. :mad:

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