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Posts posted by me987654

  1. In ToW1 you can alter probabilty of soldier to be hit by a frag (grenade, shell, etc.) by adjusting those parameters in data\settings\damage.ini:

    FragHumanFieldStay 1.0 0.4

    FragHumanFieldKnee 1.0 0.3

    FragHumanFieldLay 1.0 0.2

    FragHumanTrenchStay 1.0 0.3

    FragHumanTrenchKnee 0.8 0.2

    FragHumanTrenchLay 0.6 0.1

    First value is the probability in the epicenter, second one at the maximum flight radius of the fragments. There is also blast damage which cannot be tuned down easily, and changing these parameters won't add protection against bullets, shell direct hits, etc.

    To modify this filу you first need to extract it from the sfs archive using Dr. Jones file extractor (look in the mod forum).

    JSH mod decreases visibilty of soldiers in trenches and while prone; all in all this is a great mod so install it if you don't already.

    Thanks!!! I do use the JSH mod which I do like... Maybe I'll play with tweaking those values a bit (although I think it's bullets killing the troops)

  2. New to the forum here

    I'm a long time player of WW2 strategy games Blitzkrieg (with the Realism mod), huge hearts of iron 2 guy (can't wait for HoI3), and I love the CC series (especially CC3, with the realred mod that's still one of my favorite games)

    I recently started getting into the battlefront games... picked up Combat Mission Anthology (which is great for laptop gaming) and my new favorites.. Theater of War (with mission pack) and Theater of War 2.....

    first off I have to say... great games... and I really like the changes in Theater of War 2 (although I still really enjoy theater of war 1 also)..... infantry was simply too fragile in theater of war 1... and I like the attention paid to that in Theater of War 2 (although I still think they need to be harder to kill.. but you are definitely on the right track!)... a bit more focus on area fire and suppression would be nice also

    I'm a bit surprised that the forum doesn't seem to be super active.. because IMO this game has the potential to be THE BEST tactical WW2 strategy/sim there is..... so hopefully we'll continue to see more development and refinement of the game... you guys really have a gem here..

    Onto my questions... is there any way to modify (especially in theater of war 1) how hard it is to hit infantry? As in could I give infantry in a prone stance a better defense/cover bonus?

    Keep up the great work and I can't wait to see what's next!! (I saw something about kursk and mortars being floated about... now that just sounds awesome)

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