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wang chung

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Posts posted by wang chung

  1. The game is still progressing. I've been doing more work on game-balancing and the AI. I'm spending a lot of time watching the AI play games against itself, watching for errors and fixing them. Interesting side note: The AI is designed to play the game with any set of rules. This means if someone creates their own game-rules, with totally new units and technology, the AI should be able to play a good game.

    As far as the release date: it looks like the release won't be within the first half of the year - which is only six weeks away at this point. But, we'll certainly be giving out more information during that six weeks.


    Thank you for the information. You definitely have an avid fan on this end. Keep up the hard work, and have a great relaxing weekend!

  2. I hope everyone is staying dry!! It has done nothing but rain for the last three straight days here in "sunny" Florida.

    Everybody has gone quiet on this forum. Has anybody heard any news on how the game is progressing? Any news on the release date?


  3. Hawk...sounds like a great option. I am hoping that they will add it too.

    BTW: I was wonder if the delivery is still anticipated in the first half of 2009? Does anybody have any info?


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