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Posts posted by Tacwar

  1. This is a good point also:


    Originally Posted by Tacwar

    Finally, I hope Battlefront can find a way visually to allow players to better see the map terrain elevations better either through shading..

    I expect to see a lot more overcast maps in Normandy. The bad thing is that elevation shading is almost gone when clouds gather over CMSF maps. Maybe a kind of secondary ambient lighting is needed to give maps solid shadows, perhaps combined with a hazy effect to distingiush overlapping rolling hills better.

    Yes Ali Baba, I agree that cloudy days would make elevation shading difficult. That is why in my original post I went on to suggest adding a toggable terrain grid to the map - something like modders have already done in previous CM games. However, my suggestion is to make the terrain grid an IN GAME toggable option that you can switch on and off like the objective flags. (thus avoiding swapping mods all the time). I would only use it for planning purposes not for watching the replays. You can visit this link to see an image of what I mean by terrain grid:



  2. I can understand that Battlefront is limited in how much they can improve the game's look given limited computer resources. Given all the ideas mentioned above, I think the most needed visual improvements for the game ranked by order are:

    1. improved smoke graphics for burning wrecks & buildings

    2. improved building rubble

    In addition, I would like to see a toggle option for removing the "Questionmarks" on the map when a spotted you goes into hiding. Similar to what we can do for objective flags or unit icons. The battlefield map is so beautiful and those "questionmarks" spoil the immersion for me when I watch the movie playbacks.

    Finally, I hope Battlefront can find a way visually to allow players to better see the map terrain elevations better either through shading, or through the use of some kind of hexgrid toggle option on the map.

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