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Posts posted by jcrohio

  1. Thanks for all the help

    1. I have a better feel for naval supply now

    2. The problems with aircraft carriers not being able to attack was they were in rough seas - I knew they could not attack in rainy weather but did not realize they could not in rough weather

    3. I guess I will just have to play with subs until I figure out the best way to use them

    One last thing that is driving me nuts - I could have sworn in my earlier games that aircraft carriers showed two balls - mine only show one now - I understand the difference between red, green and yellow - was I dreaming about the two balls showing or not???

    Thanks again


  2. Thanks!

    1. With naval supply it depends upon how close you are to a port. If you’re in a port then your supply would be 10. From there you will only lose naval supply by attacking enemy units, or by shore bombardment, or your units getting attacked. In essence you only lose supply if you attack something, or if you're attacked by something. This question could go on and on until, but I think this a good enough answer.

    So if I go to any friendly port regardless of size I am at full supply and can go crusing around as much as want as long as there is no combat. Does this sound accurate? How much combat supply will I have and how will I know if I am getting low? In my only naval battle so far in the first round of combat my ships were deadly inflicting a lot of damage. In the second round hardly any damage. Is this a factor of low supply?

    2. What is the aircraft strength of your carriers? If it is 0 then you will not be able to do anything with them until you reinforce them with some aircraft in a port. I think this is what you're asking, but to be honest you worded your question a little vaguely, so this might not answer your question.

    Sorry to be so vague - my carriers were at full strength - they had not fired a shot except for the noted Cap in the previous Japanese turn - they just would not fire. Another thing if I may - I have seen screens where two balls are showing on carriers but mine only show one - I could have sworn in my earlier games there were two - could this be anything?

    3. Do you play with FOW on, or off? It has to be on, and there is a chance that you're just extremely unlucky as Japan (AI) and that they are getting intelligence reports which show where your units are. Also make sure you’re not getting spotted by either a land tile, or some long range bombers, as if they spot you the AI will send her navy on over to crush you. This could be a very good strategy if you think about it :)...

    FOW on - try to stay away from all land masses - have silent mode on - have only tried the northern approach - near Marcus Island (I think is the name) - is this approach always well guarded - maybe that is the problem

    Anyway - thanks for the reply and help


  3. Just purchased the game - have figured out a lot of it - three questions (I am sure there will be more!)

    1. I cannot figure out naval supply - I seem to always be in supply - is this true or am I imagining it and what do I have to do to be in naval supply?

    2. Had first major naval battle - my large allied fleet met the Japanese fleet - he got the first strike in - all my carriers were set to the Green ball (full CAP?) and I deflected most of his planes - lost a few ships but finally my turn. None of my carriers would fly strike missions. I had set the mode to naval missions but no flights. Alright, figured it had something to do with all the CAP I flew in the Japanese turn - next turn all my carriers flew missions. On the next Jap turn no Cap was flown at all. On my next two turns I could again not fly missions. Is this something to do with supplies. What am I missing.

    3. Finally, in the forums everyone talks about using silent mode with their subs and keeping an eye on the Jap fleet. I cannot get near Japan with a sub in silent mode. They get exposed everytime. Any tips here.

    Thanks - enjoying the game


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