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Posts posted by Plankton555

  1. Try changing the Catalyst AI setting in the ATI control panel to Standard. That fixed the issue for me.

    The strange thing is that I don't use an ATI graphics card, I use Nvidia GeForce 8800GT. Since most people who seem to have gotten this problem have ATI, it get's a lot harder for me to solve it. So far i haven't found anyone more than me with this problem AND Nvidia...

    I will try to install on another computer and if it doesn't work then, I return the game. However, if it works i will search more for the problem on my computer... argh...

    Well, post any way you think it can be solved here :P i will test it anyway so ^^

    (and thx so far)

  2. This is just getting weirder... I did everything that the troubleshooting guide told me to do ( http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1103&Itemid=30 )

    When I wanted to start the game and see if it worked it asked me to insert my DVD... the problem is that it was in the DVD reader...

    "Please insert the original DVD with the game!"

    What should i do now?... >.<

    Ignore the above, the gamestart problem was solved as soon as i had renamed the title.avi to its original name... still the "runtime error #3" when loading the map though...

  3. I have a "Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT". Also tried to update the drivers for it but still no change...

    Tomorrow i will go to the store where i bought the game and see what they think... but i don't think that's where the problem lies, probably something with my computer i need to do...

    Just to add:

    The game loads something like 40-45 % of the map before the game shuts down, without any messege or anything, and just leaves me there with the windows desktop. Tried with unchecking "Enable EAX" but it didn't help (saw somewhere that it might help)

    If there's anything more you need to know to help me, just ask. I really want to play this game


  4. Hello everybody. I couldn't find any other thread about this problem so...

    I bought Theatre of War a couple of days ago (the kalypso verison as far as i know, says "kalypso" on the box) and when I installed it, it worked just fine. The next time I wanted to play it, the game shuts down about halfway through the loading of a map.

    I downloaded the über patch and installed it, all of the new features was installed but the problem was still there.

    Atm i'm reinstalling the game again to see if I can get it to work now but i have no real hope of that...

    I have searched the internet and lots of forums and haven't found any solution yet... maybe i'm just bad at searching but... hope someone here can help me.

    Thanks in advance / Plankton555

    PS: I run windows XP

    The "new-installed" version was "" and it didn't work after reinstallation

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