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Posts posted by Bobario

  1. Assuming they don't fire on our chaps that is.

    Whoa? Dodgy territory or what? American planes and helicopters flying sentry missions have saved many more lives than they have taken. If it wasnt for US airpower us Brits would take far more casualties than we do at the minute. Matty Hull was killed by A10`s but the British Army in general LOVES the US airforce.

  2. If you read Dusty Warriors by Richard Holmes for instance you'll see that the PWRR BG in Al Amarah had heavy armour, armoured infantry and light role infantry grouped under command. The current Chief of the General Staff was quoted in the press a couple of months ago as stating that perhaps units should be task-organised/battlegrouped semi-permanently in order for them to train as they would fight on operations.

    Good book that. And a good idea by the CGS too. The army seems to be abandoning the regimental system and moving towards a more flexible battlegroup or brigade oriented unit structure in the American style. But at the heart of every battlegroup is a regiment, with its many traditions, battle honours and history. Hopefully we wont lose too much of that along the way. The Donkey Wallopers have lost their heavy armour too, well would you adam and eve it. They had Chieftains back in the day.

  3. Going back to the individual units bit - simply rename the name of the unit in the unit editor after purchasing it.

    Thats about the only difference the game will be able to make between different infantry regiments at this sort of scale. But, surely we wont be seeing units like the Royal Marines and the Para`s in the campaign because the game seems to deal with a single Brigade or Battle Group unit. As far as I know, Marines and Para`s wouldnt be operating in the armoured infantry role with attached armour callsigns. I`m setting my hopes on a campaign centred around a Household Division Battle Group. Light armour from the Blues&Royals, Chally`s from the Lifeguards and Warriors and dismounts from the Guards. :D

    But at the end of the day, the only difference will be in the campaign briefing, which you can probably edit anyway.

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