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Posts posted by Johnyg

  1. come on!!! they must be able to put a bit of individuality in it, for example the gpmg gunners only wear a daysack (backpack) cause theres not need to carry 55.6 ammo pouches, and minimi gunners combat webbing being different from a riflemans webbing. Surely that would not take too long.

    Now i mentioned the minimi, i hope they realise us brits use the para version and not the longer barreled yank version

  2. Hello all, im curious as to what the British soldiers are gona look like, What kit they going to be using, Id guess that they will fit them with the pouches that fit on the osprey body armour issued.

    Shame cause i know from personal experiance that most infantry units use there own chest rigs, issued chest rigs, or issue belt webbing. And also i know it must be immpossible to reproduce this but every infanteer looks differnet in some way with the kit they use. My section in afgan had 4 differnent types of chest rigs and assult vests, all non issue.

    Another thing!! Will there be airbourne units wth appropriat helmet,Ie Para helmet?

    also with the tactical doctrine, i assume there will be 3-4 8 man sections per platoon, 3 platoon per company, 3 rifle company and a support company with anti tank platoon(javilin) mortar platoon (81mm) recce platoon ( kit depends on battalion role ie armoured battalion scimitar cvrt, light role uses wimk) machine gun platoon (gpmg, 50 cal, gmg) and a sniper platoon (looks like they have got the kit right for them) per battalion.

    If anyone reads this who has anything to do with it i will be more than willing to help,


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