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Posts posted by OberstHerman

  1. I loved ToW1 and one of the great things about it was how one could set ones tanks to hold fire, but give them the order to engage and track an enemy with their aim until set to fire at will, and have them to actually fire at the enemy at the perfect moment.

    How do you do this in ToW2? When I set my tanks to hold fire and order them to attack something they fire at their targets directly, eventhough their fire mode remains at "hold fire."

  2. I tried playing the demo mission, but as soon as the game loads and the loading screen goes away everything just freezes and the task manager says that the program is not responding. I also tried playing the tutorial mission, where the game actually loads up and starts playing fine for a few seconds until a message appears and everything freezes up.

    I'm guessing that the in-game messages are causing the game to freeze as when the demo mission starts you instantly get a message from Eisenhower, and that's when everything freezes.

    I really loved ToW1 and I am 100% set on buying ToW2, but I really need to get the game to work on my computer before I can buy it. What should I do to fix this freeze?

    I'm using:

    Vista 64bit

    Core2 E6850

    nvidia 8800gtx

    4gb ram

  3. In ToW, if you bring your cursor to the edge of the screen the camera will move in that direction, just like most RTS do, but the awesome thing about the Total War camera is that when you move your cursor to the right or left edge it will rotate the view either left or right instead of just moving the camera. The keyboard is then used for moving sideways or strafing.

    I agree that the Total War camera is really good and it would be nice if we were able to use a similar camera in ToW2.

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