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SFC Kuba

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Posts posted by SFC Kuba

  1. I've noticed a few differences between what I have been taught in the Army, and how it plays out in the game. The number one thing is how to conduct a movement to contact. By Army doctrine, you should make contact with your smallest element (i.e. a fire team). The rest of the unit should then manuever to establish an effective support (or attack) by fire position.

    In the head to head games I play, its best to manuever with all units online. This massed firepower is hard to overcome.

    The game could overcome this by adding a "skirmish" or "break contact" command. The fire team could make contact (visual, direct fire, indirect fire), break contact (pop smoke, lay down suppressive fire, and back up 50 meters). The rest of the unit could then effectively react to the contact (flank or establish attack by fire positions) without having to rescue the fire team in contact. This would be most useful for scout units. I'm no programmer though, and I'm not sure if this could be implemented in the game.

  2. There is a website called worldatwar.eu If you sign up there (free membership) its pretty easy to find CMSF opponents for PBEM games. It also has a ladder, tracks your wins and losses, and has an occasional tournament. I've been a member since September, and have been having a blast with it. Look me up on there. My screen name is SFC Kuba.

  3. Clavicula_Nox,

    I too am an Iraq vet. I served in the Baghdad AO from 2004 to 2005 doing HUMINT at the task force level. I'm not a school trained intel guy, but I worked in that capacity due to my civilian job as an investigator.

    I respectively disagree with you with your linkage of Sadr, Iran, and Zarqawi. During the Battle of Holy Week in 2004, we fought a hard fight against both the Shia and Sunni. I believe many people mistakenly thought that this was a coordinated effort between the two groups. What people fail to see is that the battle came about because of two seperate events: The first Battle of Fallujah and the arrest of one of Sadr's top leaders. Both the Shia and Sunni rose up at the same time...the Shia in reaction to the arrest and the Sunni in reaction to the seige of Fallujah. I heard alot of G2 types at division level try to make the argument that the Shia and Sunni actions were coordinated. I believe it was just coincidence. I wish I could elaborate more, but I don't want to violate OPSEC.

    My other point is that Zarqawi would have never communicated with Iran or Sadr. He was a strict Wahabi who would have been completely against that. I know the old adage, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" but it doesn't apply here. Its been my experience that Wahabi's hate Shiites more than any Westerners. Also, how would Zarqawi have met or communicated with Sadr. Its not like he could walk into Sadr city unmolested or look him up in the phone book.

    I do agree with you about Zarqawi's limited involvement with AQ. AQ by its own doctrine is a decentralized organization. Zarqawi didn't really come to the Western Media's attention until he started his car bombing campaign along Airport Road (RTE Irish) in the fall of 2004. An arguement could even be made that Zarqawi was a direct challege to OBL's leadership of the "global jihad".

    In summary...

    Zarqawi, Iran, and Sadr working in concert...no.

    Zarqawi working independantly of AQ...definitely yes.

    By the way, did you work for an ODA based out of RPC?

  4. I'm a part time cavalry scout, and am getting ready to retire this month. As soon as I get ready to retire, the army gives me all the cool toys for my scout platoon.

    The first toy is the LRAS (long range scout surveillance system). The LRAS is a vehicle mounted thermal sight that can spot an individual in concealment out to about 15km. It is very effective for static OP's and route recon. Too bad its capabilities are down played in this game.

    The second toy is the AN/PAS-13 thermal weapons scope that can mount on any small arm in the US inventory. Everyone in my platoon is authorized a PAS-13 by MTOE. This means that all of my dismounts will have thermal capability. I hope Battlefront adds these sites to recon units.

    The other thing I want to bring up is the ACU. ACU's are far superior to BDU's in avoiding detection by night vision equipment. We did a test using PVS-7B's (gen III) in detecting ACU's v. BDU's. Anyone in the military can tell you that BDU's tend to glow in the dark when veiwing with night vision. We were pleased to learn that ACU's are pretty much invisible to night vision goggles. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the digitalized pattern or not.

    The last thing I wanted to bring up are possible counter-measures to thermal sights. I was watching "Generation Kill" on HBO, and they had discovered an enemy fighting position where the gunner was covered with a blanket in order to mask his thermal signature. I found it interesting that not only was it such a low tech counter-measure, but that it was back in 2003.

    I was in Iraq from 2004 to 2005. During the Battle of Holy Week (April 2004) convoys were getting ambushed along one of the main MSR's from entrenched positions. A platoon leader from our task force requested Apache support. The Apache was unable to detect any enemy dismounts using their thermal sites. I now wonder if they were using the aforementioned counter-measure. On a side note, the Apache was shot down by an RPG after about two minutes.

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