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Posts posted by Matt6767

  1. Barely downloaded the game and when i reached the menu it told me to make a new profile and I typed "Matt" as the name of my profile, clicked ok, and nothing happened. My proflie did not appear on the profile list and so i could not click a profile to apply. I created a profile again and still nothing happened. The profile i keep creating does not appear on the profile list and so I cant play the game.

  2. Sorry to hear that.

    Does the demo run for you? If yes, then perhaps our original Battlefront version would work, as the trap problem seems to mainly affect the retail version of the game.

    If you still want I can send you a time limited key to try it out. Contact us at sales@battlefront.com.

    I have tried the demo version and I get exactly the same error. I don't thnk my computer can run this game.

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