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Posts posted by mhc1

  1. I'm having a heck of a time with the Dunkirk mission as most of my tanks can not pentrate the French H35's etc.. I get slaughtered. I can easily capture the French 75mm guns but I get killed within 2 shots. Any help or tatcics I can use? My best tanks seem to be Czech 38's. which barely make armour penetration on the French. I can barely knock out a WW1 FT17 for christs sake.

  2. I'm having a heck of a time with the Dunkirk mission as most of my tanks can not pentrate the French H35's etc.. I get slaughtered. I can easily capture the French 75mm guns but I get killed within 2 shots. Any help or tatcics I can use? My best tanks seem to be Czech 38's. which barely make armour penetration on the French. I can barely knock out a WW1 FT17 for christs sake.

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