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Daniel Something Something

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Posts posted by Daniel Something Something

  1. O, and either of the 93mm or 105mm warheads will kill a Bradley sans ERA with a solid hit most of the time; the 105mm with ERA too (penetration figures mean that if a tank has 500mm of armour protection, and it's hit with a 93mm PG-7L, which just perforates the armour, there's a 50% chance of killing the vehicle--the more penetration, the higher the chance of killing it).

    The 105mm liner will completely shoot through a Bradley no matter which aspect (as well as disabling the vehicle). The 93mm will too if there's no ERA.

  2. Same warhead, different rocket motor [and launcher]. It's easy enough to find such information on the 'net. The RPG-29 has greater range due to the aforementioned changes.

    SgtMuhammed, the 93mm PG-7VL has 500mm of penetration, some say higher however, 600mm (the tandem PG-7VLT is greater, but not as great as the PG-7VR and PG-29V/PG-27).

    Both the 105mm warheads have 750mm+ in penetration.

  3. As the Sgt said, the Syrians already have thermobaric grenades (the RPG-29 has them, I haven't seen my forces have them with the RPG-7V, however).

    They don't seem to be better than any another large calibre grenade/rocket/projectile at killing people in the game. Though, I've only had them used a few times from the RPG-29 on dismounted troops that survived the HEAT-T attack on their vehicle.

  4. Thanks.

    I think I might have found a bug; I've noticed this every time: when I have a soldier with an RPG-7V with an PG-7VR round loaded (the same as a RPG-29), when I order him to attack an AFV, the grenade "switches" to the 40mm OG-7V in the launcher, until it launches, and then it's the PG-7VR in flight, and which hits the vehicle. The question is, is it the PG-7VR that's hitting the vehicle? I just had a perfect flank hit on a Bradley with such an occurrence (the 105mm ammo counter went down after the hit, even though what I described above happened).

    I also had a somewhat "shoddy" frontal turret hit with a RPG-29 on another Bradley, and it killed the vehicle.

    Does anyone else notice a disparity in the performance of the same 105mm warhead, but when it's fired from the two different launchers?

  5. Fallujah looked quite a bit worst than Grozny....

    I, personally, don't see the big deal about thermobaric weapons; sure, they create a nice level of destruction within confined spaces, like shooting one through a window, but a HEAT warhead [of significant calibre] hitting beside the window will kill those in the room just the same (you don't need precise aim either). AARs from some of the first serious fighting in Najaf reported that a 120mm HEAT round into the side of a building usually kills all the occupants in the floor it's fired into, without overpenetration, or collapsing the structure like thermobaric weapons tend to do [if it's a weak enough structure].

    It's just another tool that supports those already in use, rather than some "wonder" weapon so many people purvey.

  6. RPG-18s, PG-7VMs and Ls did the trick in Chechnya into the rear turret of the T-72/80; single hits were catastrophic many times over the arcs that weren't frontal and covered with ERA.

    I hit a TURMS-T with 2 85mm PG-7Gs into the rear turret, and one 93mm L into the same; nothing but an immobilized tank (it's turret could still traverse and fire).

    Anyway, here's another PG-7VL against a Bradley's front turret (I've a side-on picture that shows the grenade in flight, I can post that); this Bradley "should" be out of action, but no, it returns cannon fire and kills the RPG team:


  7. I'm wondering, does the 105mm PG-7VR grenade from the RPG-7V have the same penetration value as that of the 105mm PG-29V from the RPG-29 (as in reality, they're the same warhead)? I've been playing various quick battles, and I've noticed that the former has greater trouble in knocking out Strykers and Bradleys than the latter; I had a PG-7VR fuse on a Bradley's turret front dead on in two separate incidents without effect. This doesn't seem all that accurate, as the PG-7VR penetrator should penetrate completely through the turret, and out the back of the vehicle (it was fired from a rooftop in both occasions), and both were dead on, so they should have at least killed the gunner and commander. Said Bradleys returned 25mm cannon fire, killing my RPG teams.

    I know this is only two events, but does anyone else have any similar incidents occur on the front of lightly armored vehicles that are sans ERA?

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