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Posts posted by 152mmDumbRocket

  1. I thought Steam was optional. Are companies forced to sell through their marketplace? Does this restriction apply to companies who choose direct sale only as their delivery and sales methodology?
    It's not optional when Steam holds ~80% of PC gaming marketshare. I believe the restriction applies to those who use Steam, and as I said, that's not optional anymore. The gamers voted with their wallets and said they wanted a monopoly. Look what it's gotten you. It's gotten the Order of War: Challenge multiplayer community raped by Valve. And the tech press covered it up, ensuring that it only broke in Forbes and only received 1 report by a tech press member months later.
  2. Because Valve/Steam adds an incredible amount of value to games. I have 412 games on Steam (thanks cheap humble bundles). Having those games on Steam makes my life easier.

    Steam gives an incredible amount of added value that makes it worthwhile. The Steam almost monopoly does not hurt me. All my friends who play games have Steam accounts so we can easily arrange games, I can easily reinstall and uninstall any game I own. A number of my games use Steam for multiplayer which is a ton better than just about any other service. A lot of them use Steam to save my settings and saved games to the cloud so I can access them on any computer. A number of my Steam games use the workshop to make it much easier to download mods. Oh and I can now stream games from my gaming PC to my living room TV.

    Long story short, convenience. Wait until their monopoly turns them evil. Look at YouTube.

    Oh wait, Valve has already turned evil with Order of War: Challenge. Following Square Enix's taking down of their DRM servers, instead of living up to their can-do-no-wrong reputation and integrating the game's online DRM into Steam, Valve did nothing. Dedicated members of the community kept Order of War: Challenge alive by using VPN. Valve's response? Rip the game wholesale from people's libraries, then restore the single player to people's libraries after the outrage. As Benjamin Franklin once wrote, "Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor liberty to purchase power."

    On top of all that I get to have every single one of my games behind a single service. Why would I want to have my games split between Steam, GamersGate, Direct2Drive, Impulse, Games for Windows Live, Desura, and GameStop when I could just have them on Steam?
    So if you get banned from one of them for any/no reason, you don't lose everything? I thought you would appreciate redundancy. I also noticed no Origin among them, anti-EA bias much?
  3. well,i tell you,using steam saves me money

    with the outrageous price for certain PC games down under,normally half the price in the US.

    i find the game i like on steam and my mate gifts me a copy at US prices,i paypal him the dough,and i save 40-50 bucks.

    always a way to skin a cat:)

    Same can be said for GamersGate, GOG.com, and others.
    This is the most comically tragic display of childishness I have seen in a long time. Reading through this discussion was a laborious task made more difficult by the silly insistence that somehow with age this community is more reasonable. A community cringing from Steam because their afraid of change! Metathesiophobia is not an argument - its a sad excuse made sadder by the fact that as older gamers you should know better! Gentlemen very little will change with how you actually play and whom you interact with. Games aren't some kind of exclusive club anyways - the bigger the community the more developers have to create a successor. I think we all can agree that more sales would benefit the game and allow for more wonderful products to reach you and other gamers who enjoy them. We all enjoy this game and its OK to let others enjoy it with the exposure steam would offer.

    ... Also if I have to hear another terrible pun about being older and better I swear... Those puns were bad when you were children and were forced to listen to them - they're still bad.

    von Luck

    Not at all. They're just asking why Combat Mission needs to be on Steam. I can't blame them for not wanting to get involved in a virtual monopoly on digital game distribution. It's ironic that the same people who whine about how much trouble YouTube or Microsoft have been since they've had a monopoly have no problem whatsoever with a Valve gaming dictatorship, especially when the people who have no problem with this are Linux users.
    It is the type of childishness that has destroyed many a game system or community as the 'new blood' is scoffed at by the 'old hands'.

    History has shown that 'old hands' slowly leave or die-off - without new entrants the game or community slowly circles the drain until it eventually becomes unsustainable.

    I'm watching it happen in slow motion lately with the owners of the Battletech IP. It's a well trodden path.

    Hasn't happened yet to one community in particular that meets those criteria.
  4. Digital distribution makes you scared of physical media: http://techreport.com/news/26624/time-to-import-those-old-games-to-digital-services

    I myself have an extremely dim view of Valve, seeing as they are bordering on a monopoly in digital game distribution, they are the most overrated developer of all time who make the most overrated games of all time and get praised despite making nothing but FPSs, their fanboys who threaten to pirate games if they don't come out on Steam (Amnesia: The Dark Descent GOTY (I think) and Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition come to mind), and their idiotic handling of Steam Machines. Their handling is so incompetent that Alienware and CyberPower PC are releasing their Steam Machines with Windows instead of SteamOS.

  5. Not to mention that since there's no servers, every time I go into Network and hit Refresh, it just cycles and never gets me anything. No patches also means no fixing of that annoying bug where every click you made just depressed the Players tab in the Tactical screen and got me nowhere. And where DropTeam 2? It's been over 2 years since I last heard from Clay about it.

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