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Posts posted by mikewhol

  1. I was in the Army, and with my trusty M-16 I could hit targets at 300m fairly well, but those were picked shots at a range. A man size target at that range are NOT easy to pick up visually. and even harder to engage quickly. Now at 100m I could pick up the target, and engage it in the 4 to 6 second time frame the Army was telling me I should be able to do. The 50m target was easy as heck to engage quickly, and accurately. That was using single shots,over iron sights.

    On full auto, I couldn't hit ANYTHING after the first few rounds down range! I was getting pretty close, and if that would've been a real person down range I am sure they would've went to ground.

    In conclusion, most weapons will shoot further than an average person can pick up a target and engage it over iron sights. In WWII, all you had were iron sights, and I know there are plenty of Grogs that wil beat me up over this but the average "Joe" just isn't going to do a lot of shooting at anything over 300m. I've fired an M1 Garand and Carbine, M16A2, M2, M60, and last but not least an AK47. With the exception of the M16, they will kick the crap out of you. Out of those, when firing on automatic, anything after 100m will be as much luck as anything else. If the game is anything like my experience, anything 100m and in, fear the SMG, longer than that its just not your day if you get hit.

    I am sure that a lot of you have seen the You Tube vid of 2 Sheriffs having a shootout with 2 felons at a range of 10 feet, and no one was hit!

    Anyone can get their hands on a MP40? Would love to fire a clip or 2 from one!


  2. I would also like to point out that not only are you testing spotting BUT ALSO engagement times too. If I remember all the books and games that Ive played over the years, it is generally accepted that the Sherman was a very quick draw gun slinger indeed. Also you cannot currently tell EXACTLY when a unit is spotted. That is assumeing that there may be a lag between spotting and reaction, I dont know, but it is another list of possible variables.

    Still a very interesting test.


  3. Now I just clicked reply, it took me to the log in screen, so far so good, I logged in, then it took me right back to the log in screen, so I had to navigate back to the forum to post this, seems like a bit more of a hassle than it should be.

    I dont do much forum posting so I am a little inexperienced at forum workings. Now it wont let me register for the repository with my email, as it is already associated with a forum name!

    So how do I get to where I can use the repository?


  4. Hi all,

    I am a lurker here because the forum is a real pain in my rear to use.

    1.) Seems like every time I want to post something I need to ask for a new password.

    2.) If I log into the forums, and goto the file Repository, it wants me to log in again, I log in and it say wrong user name or password. It's the same one I just used to log into the forums with!

    It has been like this for me for years! Now that CM:BN is getting close to release, I would really like to get this ironed out. Anyone got any ideals on what is going on?


    I am using Mozilla Firefox

  5. I just tried it again. The UBER PaK40 kills everything in sight. This time, 3 M4's and 3 squads. All killed. Shermans got off one round at it. One round out of three tanks! I think I am lacking a fundamental understanding of how the game works. I watched that gun fire 20 plus rounds.

    I watched a M-10 fire an AP round at a running man (right around 100m) and hit him. I am sorry, but that is just plain silly!


  6. Thanks for the reply Sneaksie. Panic sounds like what happened here.

    They crew was fine, and I've never given my armor hold fire orders, I think they paniced right after the first sighting of the gun!

    I am getting frustrated with my armor vs ATG , I guess I need more practice with ToW.


  7. I purchased this game when it first came out (to Support Battlefront). Never really played it until now (waiting on CM:N). Just to give you a little history, I am a noob at ToW.

    In the third mission of the Allies campaign, I worked a Sherman to within 250m of a PaK40, that was busy shooting at my "Poor Bloody Infantry" (and chewing them up fairly well I might add), so my Sherman should have gotten a round off while the PaK crew rotated to face the Sherman. Nope, Sherman just sat there, in plain sight, AND DID NOTHING! The PaK40 very happily engaged the Sherman, FIRE, first shot missed. OK, now I am thinking the Sherman will fire (it had 13 seconds to engage from stop order to first PaK shot), IT DID NOTHING! PaK, FIRES, second shot misses again, whew! At this point I am yelling at the crew of the Sherman, "fire, you fools, fire"! IT JUST SITS THERE! PaK, FIRES, third shot hits the gun mantle and takes out the main gun! Now the crew will not respond to any order given (not that they seemed to respond to anything I ordered them to do), the idiots wont even bail out of the stricken tank!

    What in the heck is going on "under the hood" to make this kind of thing a fairly COMMON experience in ToW??????

    The accuracy of the PaK guns is awesome! I was very shocked that it missed the second shot! That dose not happen too often (they were under fire from one Inf squad and another half squad at the time all this took place, with no visible effect). 14 men firing from 200m, and they couldn't even suppress the damn thing! Gheesh! Something seems a little bit off here!

    BTW I have all the updates, and JHS 1.3.5.


  8. Just to be clear.

    I did, and do, offer to make any model for CM:SF series, but, as Steve has pointed out, it is not as simple as "sticking it in the game"! I would need an SDK to start, build it, submit it, then get it sent back for tweaks, repeat! I offered; to make the point , it's not the model that is the issue here! If it was that simple, BF could just pick up any one of a thousand commercially available models. Having been involved with the process before, I know it can be very complicated thing to do.I could have a untextured model worked up in about 2 weeks, trust me, that is the easy part! Then probably a month of tweaking and texturing for the game engine. Then it would have to be coded into the engine, tweaked, repeat! Like BF, this is truly a labor of love, labor being the key word!


  9. "So that's really the bottom line. CMx2 has two methods of play and will continue to have two methods of play. Neither side should think that the existence of the other is a liability. Sure, it does take more energy for us to support two systems than one, but we are willing to put in the time and effort. It would be nice if that were understood and a sense of mutual cooperation shown instead of petty bickering."

    Great to hear Battlefront! All the CM games rock!

    Now for something really odd!

    I like both WEGO and RT, love the flexibility of having both. I love RT in single player small battles, but I sometimes want to game out a larger battle, WEGO is nice for that.I want it all! :D

    Oh BTW, the ideal of being able to watch a replay of the battle is awesome, I've wanted something like that since CM:BO!

  10. I don't know if this has been brought up before but.......

    I would like to see a "half" speed setting.

    There are times (in larger scenarios)during multi player games that the game is warping units and such.

    Would slowing down the game just a bit help with that? Plus it would make it easier foe me to keep up with commands at times.

    Any thoughts on this?

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