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Posts posted by woofiedog

  1. I recently picked up IW T72 and was wondering about the mods from T-72 Balkens on Fire being added to IW T72.

    Are they really the same game and can the mods from the BoF T72 site be added to the IW T72 game?

    These are the mods I am questioning about at the Balkens on Fire mod site: http://www.battlefront.com/products/t72/downloads.html

    Also can the joystick be added along side the keyboard?

    I see that one of the BoF T72 mods states that you can after using the mod... but I have tried it without the mod with my MS Sidewider Precision 2 and have not been able to have it work so far without the mod.

    Thank's for any help in this matter.

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