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Posts posted by Kadack

  1. I wanted to pipe up and say that even though I did not post responses to your videos I did enjoy watching them. It was insightful to see the way someone else issues their commands and what not.

    Either way thanks for all the great vids you put up even if you choose not to make more :)

  2. Most of the time my infantry dismounting works the way you described Sergei, it is only every now and then that I have this problem. Whenever it happens though, I have to basically keep that 1 infantry squad and vehicle back from assaulting across long distances.

    I normally force myself to work around it whenever it would happen. I just kept getting annoyed by it this time though, I was playing the first TF Thunder mission experimenting with arty call ins and timing mounted infantry assaults correctly and that 1 squad just refused to do it correctly no matter how many time I would reload and change the orders...

  3. Just tried your advice JonS and it kinda worked...

    I tried it with multiple pause increments, from 5 seconds up to 1 minute 15 seconds, but once the pause command was up the infantry would fall through the vehicle still(I extended the vehicles movement so that the infantry's pause would be up before the vehicle stopped moving for the 1 minute 15 seconds pause).

    Starting from the save I deleted the movement commands for both the vehicle and infantry; I then reassigned them each single movement command the following turn and the infantry still fell through the floor...

    Could this maybe be something wrong with my game(requiring a reinstall?) if no one else is having this problem?

  4. I guess I'll start out saying I'm guilty of being a lurker on these forums... I rarely log in however I come here often and I play CMSF rather regularly as well. I really enjoy the game by the way.

    Something that has been bugging me a lot lately while playing WEGO is when I issue a movement command to a vehicle and then a separate movement command to a mounted infantry unit within the vehicle the infantry decide to instantly jump(more like they fall through the vehicles floor) out of the vehicle and start running to their way point rather than ride the vehicle until it stops. I just can't figure out why this is happening...

    I can reload after a save point and change the vehicles and infantry's movement orders around, and still, the infantry drop out of the bottom of the vehicle and start running.

    I tried the search function(although I did not try super hard) and I didn't find a post about this. I was curious if anyone knew an order I could issue my movement commands to avoid this or if I must tough it out until a future patch.

    Thank you for any help or input :)

  5. Just finished this scenario a couple days ago and it was a lot of fun!

    The map ended with an enemy surrender as 3rd platoon began firing into the main objective from the trees along the river.

    In the end I had 6 KIAs and 21 WIA with 1 Stryker destroyed and 1 Brad knocked out.

    *Side question* I know that knocked out and destroyed mean pretty much the same thing in CMSF, but is kocked out suppose to represent a vehicle that can be salvaged?

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