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Posts posted by cc1/5

  1. Originally posted by cc1/5:

    ...The direction is the right one, the first step was just a bit short to make it a broad winner with the grognard fraction. Hopefully coming steps will do the job for all of us (or at least most of us)!!!


    Yes the direction is the right one, but, in my opinion there has to change a LOT to make this game work :(

    Things that really pist me of during the demo:

    - Soldiers just don't abay orders (and i'm talking about soldiers who haven't panicked)

    - Not just a fire order

    :confused: (you can order to "atack" but than the morron wil MOVE to the enemy target :mad: & you can order "area fire" but before the morron finally fires a the selected area, the target has moved to an other area :mad: )

    - Not the ability of entering houses (wy the hack ain't that possible :eek: )

    - Because of bad terain:

    - Not the ability of hiding an AT-gun (or whatever)

    - Almost no place for cover for infantery

    - No smoke grenades and stuff

    - In the moment before battle not the ability to "digg-in" wich makes that the (impossible to hide AT-gun also hasn't cover :rolleyes: )

    - the way you have to CONTROL the whole thing; camera vieuws/unit movement/unit orders etc, etc. It doesn't work :(

    (-supressing fire

    -sight lines/fire lines)

    -The game doesn't run smooth, whyle my system matches the suggested Requirements


    And probebly a lot more things...

    [ November 11, 2007, 04:00 AM: Message edited by: cc1/5 ]

  2. Yeah I already find that out, but thanks anyway :D

    The game however is a big dissapointment to me :( It just doesn't work the way it should and it just isn't finished in my eyes.. (i had the Demo, but that doesn't matter much about the gameplay right?) I've "theatre of war" stays like this, I just keep playing the close combat series.. :( When someone finally overules close combat? :eek:

    [ November 10, 2007, 03:41 PM: Message edited by: cc1/5 ]

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