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David Clark

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Posts posted by David Clark

  1. Arrghh... so frustrating. I've played the 1939 scenario twice as the Allies, and both times been wiped off the map by the Germans in Russia in 1941. Once on the default difficulty, and once at the most allied-friendly setting; there just seem to be endless waves of German units. They have a dozen air units, six or eight armored units, and I just can't figure out how they could have built all this stuff with the MMPs they have. It's all upgraded, too!

    Has anyone managed to hold Moscow in this scenario?

    I put a few hundred points into research, although I've never received an upgrade. I buy all the cheap armies I can, and put them in my cities and behind rivers. I can never afford any tanks or fighters. Lend lease to the USSR is at maximum.

    The Germans are killing four or five armies a turn, and I can't produce them that fast. I get some units from Siberia in the winter, but some of them aren't on rail lines, and the ones that are often can't operate for some reason. Eventually, my MMPs start to rise above 200, but since anything I build takes months to arrive, it's useless for anything but garrisoning the Ural factories.

    Sorry for the whining. I'm loving the game, I just can't see how I'll ever get to 1942. I'm not surprised the Soviets lose their whole army in the first few turns - that's pretty historic. I am surprised that they can't build much after that.

    Maybe there's something I can change in the editor to increase the MMPs or reduce unit costs at the end of fall 1941?

  2. Wow. I'm really enjoying this one - I'm playing the 1939 scenario, and I'm up to Sept 1942 - the Germans are smacking me around like crazy. I'm pushed back to the last couple of cities in front of the Urals, and I'm holding on to the Suez by my fingernails. To make matters worse, I can't stop those U-boats! Infuriating!

    I have a few questions so far - if anyone could spare a few minutes.

    1. What's the best way to fight the battle of the atlantic? I've put 5 chits into ASW for the US and the UK, but my ASW is still at 0 - I can't upgrade any of my destroyers, even in port. The subs are slaughtering my subhunters.

    2. I tried to invade vichy syria from Jordan, but apparently I have to declare war on the place, which irritates the Turks. Shouldn't I already be at war with all Vichy territories?

    3. How can I transport aircraft across the sea? The 'Transport' option never appears for them, even when they're adjacent to a port, and 'Operate' won't get them over there.

    4. I've maxed out all my lend lease, but I'm still getting massively outproduced by the Germans. They have thousands of points of MPPs worth of aircraft in the air, and they dominate me in quality and quantity. I've now lost most of Russia. Is there some way to move my factories back to the Urals before they're captured? How many MPPs should I be getting at this point?

    Thanks for your time, and thanks to BF for such a great game - I was up till 2am playing this morning. One More Turn!

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