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Posts posted by Lefty

  1. Yes, they are in different folders.

    Two other questions:

    1. I should be using GOLD, right, if I have both games (GLOBAL CONFLICT and GLOBAL CONFLICT GOLD).

    2. One strange thing is that when I start a game and go to SCRIPTS/EVENTS LIST, there are several double entries on the list. For example, "Canadian Convoy to the UK Government in Australia" appears twice. So do several other entries. Is that a problem?

  2. I disabled my Norton anti-virus for 15 minutes, let my computer sit for 15 minutes for the game to load up, and it's showing up in the "processes" section of TASK MANAGER, but no game starts. I'm waiting to get the disk version in the mail soon, and I'll try installing and loading that.

    The other THEATER OF WAR games load/play fine.

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