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Posts posted by Primasprit

  1. Originally posted by Hubert Cater:


    For multiple monitors and DirectX7 it is a little tricky. DirectX7 only runs well in multiple monitors when the application is in a windowed mode. You can try running the game in Windowed mode, i.e. not Full Screen, but when the game is not run in full screen the application is not optimized for speed. So what this means is that it should work better in Windowed mode but not necessarily as fast as it could if you were running it on a single monitor in Full Screen mode as you already noticed.

    Hope this helps,


    Thanks for the answer. Runs fine with the second monitor turned off, no slow down. smile.gif



  2. I have the same problem with a ATI1650pro AGP. The game starts fine but gets slower and slower within minutes till the point it is unplayable.

    WinXP, Athlon3000+, 1.5GB Ram, 256 MB VRam, 1680x1050 32bit.

    Switching to 16 bit didn't help, newest driver didn't helped either nor installing the Omega Driver package.

    I use a 2 monitor setup. Turning the second monitor off made run the game faster at last. However this only a workaround, not really a solution.

    At the moment I am running the demo version but I really would like to buy the full game. But it is a bit too costly for me to buy and discover afterwards that it become unplayable.

    I wouldn't expect any help from ATI in this case, I doubt that they care about DirecX7 anymore.

    I hope a solution can be found. smile.gif



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