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Posts posted by Bobomite

  1. Hi,

    I am editing map 002 to re-use for single player scenarios, and I have smoothed out some of the hills in the upper right corner of the map, so they don't block movement. Terrian brush, pathfinding, all working fine. However the sides of these hills (which were originally very dark gray because they were impassable) cannot be re-colored.

    I read that the MainTex brush is not supported, but I also cannot open the TGA file in Photoshop or GIMP.

    The MainTex brush sort of works, but it doesn't display a brushstroke until I alt-tab out of the map editor and back in.

    Is there any way that anyone knows how to edit maintex.tga? The changes I need to do are so simple it will take 5 minutes, but I just can't get at it.

    Someone mentioned in another post that they were able to open the maintex (in Photoshop) after the Map Editor saved it one time... but this is not the case for me.

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