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Posts posted by stanley01

  1. He guys, I really appreciate your help - even if it does not work out - it could have helped and I would be really happy!

    Whatever I try, it doesn't make a difference: it still doesn't launch at all - other "normal" games go smoothly, so I consider that my hardware is healthy. A game that needs so much tweaking, fiddling and special hardware is in my eyes not fully developed, ready for sale.

    If a new patch to fix these problems is released soon, I would really welcome it.

    After spending 300 Euro on hardware + this game I am not very happy now.

    Other good ideas are still welcome, but I am loosing faith in TOW (and other Battlefront products I probably will not buy anymore).

  2. Does anyone else have these kind of problems?

    What to do???

    TOW still does not launch: rebooting frequently:

    *After uninstall, delete Battlefront maps, reinstalled, with & without Moscow add-on, rename tow2.dll to elicen40.dll, upgrade video card drivers, DEP settings "with essential ....", "turn on DEP for all Windows pgm's...EXCEPT....." with adding the mentioned appl., and back again, video card anisotropic filtering from appl. controlled to off and back again, extension limit = off, on doesn't work either, (I don't have threaded optimization), water to low, single CPU on/off -- all to no difference -- TOW: runtime error #3(trap), tow_1.4: small window in control bar, no game. Other new games can run smoothly on my PC. I am running out of options. Is TOW still a kind of beta-version?

    Does anyone have good advice, except returning the game (and losing this battle)?

  3. Who are moderators?

    *Uninstalled TOW;

    *Deleted maps c:\battlefront\TOW and c:\battlefront;

    *Defragmented c-drive and controlled disk;

    *Checked video card GeForce 7300 GT settings - just new! seems OK;

    *Installing TOW from DVD - following instructions;

    *Entering licence key - just OK, no error msg.;

    *Launch - nothing happens (again) - except most icons disappear 1-2 sec. and reappear;

    *Mission editor seems to work;

    *Rename tow2.dll into elicen40.dll - no difference, still does not work;

    *Rename elicen40.dll back into tow2.dll;

    *Install Moscow add-on & patch;

    *Launch Tow - runtime error #3(trap);

    *Launch tow_1.4 - does not launch, no error msg., but 1 sec a small window icon in control bar;

    *Copy elicen40.dll to tow2.dll - no difference;

    *Change water from high to low - no difference;

    I am desparate - this game seems so wonderful, but it just does not launch!

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