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About Lost_LT

  • Birthday 09/21/1973

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  • Interests
    Game Design
  • Occupation
    Infantry Officer

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Junior Member (1/3)



  1. I'm starting to consider a fairly major mod project. This game could be great for modeling the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm currently an Infantry Officer deployed in Iraq, so I can lend some technical expertise, so long as it doesn't violate OPSEC. Two obstacles stand in the way of making this a great game: 1) Flaws in the design of the game, which Battlefront will have to fix (pathfinding, transparent buildings, better AI, houses that don't crumble under 25mm fire, etc) 2) Additional units currently being widely employed (and would be employed in Syria as well)and other realism measures: UAVs, EFPs, M113s, M1083s/1078s, KBR trucks, M1117s, MRAPs, DUKE/Warlocks, Bradleys with reactive armor. If Battlefront shows a sincere effort to fix the problems in #1, I'm considering investing some time making models and looking at tweaking this (potentially) great game. Anyone else interested?
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