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Posts posted by Fredrikdenstore

  1. I bought Theatres of war, said to my dad that i wanted it and it was so cool and so on so he could pay with his credit card, i bought both download and mail dilevery for 55 dollars, becouse i wanted to play it as fast as possible, i install the game everything is fine, i start the game and so on, still everything is fine, but then when i try to play a mission, It is so bloody unplayable that if you almost got into slowmosion with Very bad framerate. I get really pisst off, but i go to this website, and check for teachsupport and i find a troubleshooting guide, I get so happy when i find it that i almost begin to laugh, i check the part wich show how to get better framerate and cpu so the game can run faster, I follow these steps very closely. When im done with that i start the game again, and start another mission, The first 10 seconds it runs smooth as silk, But then it all begins to lagg like hell i cant almost even select a unit. I check the forum tech support again and check ive done everything alright, and i have. I feel like im going to explode, i BUY A DAMN GAME FOR 55 Dollars wich I HAD to work for becouse i used all my pocket money on cloths and so on, AND ALL I GET IS A DAMN GAMEWICH HAS SO BAD FRAMERATE I cant play it. This was before i installed the patch, i try to install the newest patch, battle of moscow addon, the patch says it will improve frame rate, STILL VERY LAGGY. What is the point with releasing a game that isent even finished??? And your shipping to europe is also very slow, have waited 2 months now for the game box to show up. Can i get my money back or what?!?! I dont usualy get angry but this really made me angry. Some of you maybe think, well his just a customer who want his 55 dollar back blabla But i trusted this website and the game realesers word of a Great game experince and all i get is a laggy **** game. Fix it now if possible :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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