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Posts posted by chelm1234

  1. No mags.

    Reminds me of being stationed in Ansbach Germany before the first Gulf War with 1AD. The Berlin Wall had come down and we were having a volks march that started at Barton Barracks. I happened to be on gate gaurd that day. Well every German that came through the gate had to touch me. I started to think of the SSG that the week before had a dog turned loose on him and all he could do was run into the gaurd shack to get away from the dog.

    So here I am with Germans and who knows who else all around me and all I have is a M16 with an empty magazine. Needless to say I kept my eye out for dogs.

  2. My View

    Owned and loved CMBO, CMBB and CMAK and still play them very regularly. Heck I've even turned some people onto the series who had never heard of it. It's beyond me how they never heard of them before.

    I started watching the development of the new game with great anticipation since the announcment and figured as soon as it came out I would grab a copy. But before CMSF was released TOW was released and I bought without even trying the demo first. That was a mistake on my part and not a fault of BF. But that still doesn't make me feel better about my purchase. It bacame apparent very quickly that this was nothing more than a RTS game and nowhere near my beloved wargame. Scripted AI that follows a prescripted path that will be the same every time you startup the scenario. It also became very apparent that instead of using real tactics like turning a flank or denying your opponent the same tactic, you were instead solving a puzzle. I blew this off as just a fluke and as we speak TOW is in its death throws.

    Fast forward, CMSF is released and believe it or not I tried the demo first and decided to read the few AAR's that were being posted. In my opinion it seems like TOW part II.

    My experience with the demo didn't give me a good feeling at all about the game. First the training mission makes me think why isn't the red side designed to play, please don't tell me that the AI is completely scripted moves and the blue side has no scripting. Well that indeed was the issue.

    So next I try the smashing steel scenario as the americans. I dont even move my M1's I let them sit right where they start along with all the Strykers. The enemy T80's and BMP's just drive right out into plan view one by one and get waxed by the M1's. So next I decide to play this as the other side. I tell all the cannon fodder that start the scenario in the town to hide and do nothing. The few BMP's that are in the town I have hidden behind the buildings but they soon are knocked out to my amazement by M1 rounds passing through the building. I know my T80's are no match for the M1's so I place them on the reverse slope of the hill facing towards the infantry I have hiding in the trench beside the grove of trees. Shortly after I set my first T80's up the Strykers come into plan view and are all destroyed. They didn't even try to run out of that situation, they just sat there and died. While this is going on T80's reinforcements are showing up and I place them along side the ones already on the hill. To my astonishment the M1's follow the same path as the Strykers before them. Heck they even manuvered around a little to get part the burning Strykers. But they shortly followed the fate of the Strykers. I was shocked and couldn't believe what I just witnessed. I then had to drive a few tanks to the top of the hill to dispatch the remaining Stryker that was still at the jump off point. Must of been the observer. He's got one heck of a report to send back before he follows the same fate. Why didn't the M!'s come up over the hill when it was painfully obviuos what was going on.

    I then decided to read some of the AAR's that were being posted (Not Many) and they sounded very much like the TOW AAR's. Place this here to destroy that then move this here. It's puzzel solving not tactics that are being used.

    I hope these problems can be fixed, but I'm not holding my breath either as I believe the problem is the scripting of the AI that leaves it no flexability to deal with changing situations. I think I'll hold onto my money for the time being.

    PS. By the way anyone want an unopened copy of TOW. $20 sound fair.

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