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Eric Weider

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Posts posted by Eric Weider

  1. This looks like a terrific scenario. Something right out of the headlines. And I like how you really put the player in the boots of the dilemna. Preserve your force, destroy the enemy, and don't cause too much damage. Perfect! The only thing you are missing is an embedded reporter.

    It's on my agenda to play tonight.

    Looks great and I thank you very much for your time in putting this together!

  2. Most of the CMSF PBEM files get above 10MBs once the game really gets rolling. And many email providers have a cap of 10 or 15 MBs on emails.

    I have been using a website called yousendit.com which allows files up to 100MB and seems pretty easy to use. I think they give you 1 GB of free emails.

  3. Israel and Syria could very conceivably go to war over the Golan.

    Also Israel and Syria once almost went to war when Syria was posturing to invade Jordan. Could happen again.

    In any event I really just wanted to say thanks to the guys at Battlefront for the effort on this great game. People often say wargaming is dead or dying. When I see games like CMSF I am very confdent that this prediction is not true.

  4. I'm a long time CM fan and I think the new CMSF is brilliant.

    I have every confidence in Battlefront and that they will resolve bugs and glitches in the near future.

    I know the huge effort that goes into creating something as relatively uncomplicated as a magazine and I can't begin to imagine the job that goes into making a game as sophisticated as this.

    My own belief is that this game is going to shine in the intense infantry firefights rather than in big armored battles. That's A-OK with me. The infantry fights are spectacular.

    Any chance we'll ever see Israeli and Hezbolla/Hamas units in the future?

    Congratulations and thank you Battlefront!

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